
Underwater view of woman swimming in ocean
Underwater view of woman swimming in ocean
Image ID: 1178-34708
Artist: Alberto Guglielmi
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45 49 years adventure authentic authenticity balance bathing suit bikini blue calm carefree caucasian color image copy space cross legged crossed legs day enjoying floating freedom fun getting away from it all happy horizontal italy journey leisure activity lifestyle looking up mature adult mature women ocean ocean floor one person peace people photography real people recreation relaxation sardinia sassari serene people serenity stintino summer swimming three quarter length tranquil scene tranquility travel travel destinations underwater underwater view unwinding vacations viewing water weekend activities woman yoga yoga pose 40 45 40 50 40's 40s 45 50 50 55 50 60 55 60 adult adventuresome adventuring amusement apparel appreciating bathing costume bathing suit cheerful clothes clothing color colour crossed daylight daytime drifting eu enjoyment entertainment eu europe european european union examining eyeing female fifties fifty flotation forties forty free gaiety gal garment getaway glad gleeful human human being italian jolly lady leg leisure leisure time liberation liberty light hearted lighthearted looking marine mediterranean merry mid life middle age middle aged middle age middle aged midsummer negative space one pastime peaceful person pleasing pleasure relaxing relishing resting satisfaction sea seeing serene southern europe southern european spare time summertime swim suit swimming suit swimming suit swimsuit swimwear three quarter length tranquil traveling travelling trip unconcerned under undersea water sport western european white space women zen