
Black man hanging from bars in gymnasium
Black man hanging from bars in gymnasium
Image ID: 1178-41720
Artist: Peathegee Inc
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40 44 years african american ethnicity authentic authenticity balance bar bare chest black hair california candid climbing color image day energy exercise exercise equipment fitness full length gymnasium hanging healthy living holding indoors lifestyle looking up los angeles low angle view man mature adult mature men motion muscular one person people photography physical fitness power real people recreation strength united states vertical working out workout minority minorities grit real life40 45 40 50 40's 40s 45 50 50 55 50 60 55 60 activity adult african african american african ethnicity african american afro american afro american america american americas amusement bare bare chest bare chested black brunette ca chest climb color colour dangling daylight daytime entertainment exercising exertion fellow fifties fifty forties forty full body full length fun gentleman guy gym health human human being indoor inside la la leisure activity low angle male mid life middle age middle aged middle age middle aged movement muscle north america of african descent one pastime person powerful scaling self improvement shirtless topless us usa united states of america us usa west coast work out