
Shoal of Common Bigeye (Priacanthus hamrur) Bass swimming backlit over coral reef, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
Shoal of Common Bigeye (Priacanthus hamrur) Bass swimming backlit over coral reef, Red Sea, Aqaba, Kingdom of Jordan
Image ID: 832-393763
Artist: Norbert Probst
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africa akaba animals animal aqaba governorate aqaba asia atmosphere atmospheric backlighting backlight shots backlight shot backlight back light backlit photo backlit backlit basses bass bigeyes bigeye common bigeyes common bigeye coral reefs coral reef deserted dive resort dive site diving area diving locations diving location egypt empty goggle eye gouvernement aqaba group of animals groups of animals groups group instruments instrument jordanian jordan kingdom of jordan many animals many middle east mideast mid east mood moontail bullseye music instruments music instrument near east nobody no one no people north african north africa northern africa numerous plucked instruments plucked instrument pods priacanthidae priacanthus hamrur red sea reefs reef school of fish several animals several shoal of fish shoal southwest asia southwestern asia string instruments string instrument swarm of fish swimming swim underwater photos underwater photo underwater worlds underwater world underwater under water uninhabited water west asia western asia