
Red tent in Kaskasavagge valley, Kaskapakte glacier and mountains, mountain Kaskasatjakka and Kuopertjakka, river Gaskkasjohka, Kebnekaise massif, Lapland, Sweden, Europe
Red tent in Kaskasavagge valley, Kaskapakte glacier and mountains, mountain Kaskasatjakka and Kuopertjakka, river Gaskkasjohka, Kebnekaise massif, Lapland, Sweden, Europe
Image ID: 832-402623
Artist: Robert Haasmann
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alpine landscape bergland body of water camping camp closeness to nature close to nature countryside deserted empty experience of nature glaciated glaciers glacier holidays holiday time holiday journey kebnekaise mountain kebnekaise landscape photo landscape shot landscapes landscape lapland province lapland love of nature massifs massif mountain backdrop mountain barrier mountain chain mountain landscape mountain massif mountainous area mountainous landscape mountainous massif mountainous region mountainous mountain peak mountain ranges mountain range mountain range mountainscape mountain scenery mountains mountaintop mountain top mountain natural nature holidays naturel environment nature tourism nature vacation nature near natural nobody no one no people nordic northern europe north europe open sky outdoors outdoor outside out peaks peak pinnacle range red coloured red ridge rivers river scandinavian scandinavia scenery semi natural seminatural summit sweden swedish tents tent touch with nature tourism travel photography travel trip uninhabited vacation time vacation valleys valley voyage waterfront waters water