
Picture-winged fly on White helleboring leaf, France
Picture-winged fly on White helleboring leaf, France
Image ID: 860-282098
Artist: Samuel Dhier
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action actions afrasia afro eurasia alone angiosperm angiospermae angiosperms asparagales order atmosphere biologic cycle biologic cycles biological cycle biological cycles botanical species botanicals species cites appendix 2 continent continental area convention on international trade in endangered species of wild count counting description descriptions development cycle development cycles diptera sp diptere dipteres dipterid dorsal face dorsal faces ec eec enumeration enumerations eu eurafrasia eurasia europe european economic community european union flies (insects) flora florae flowering plant flowering plants fly (insect) france growing cycle growing cycles grown up stage adult grown up stage adults herbaceous plant image and subject imago imagos individual individuals insect insects landmass landmasses leaf leaves living organism living organisms localisation localization location lone lonely long lasting plant long lasting plants long lived plant long lived plants macro photo macro photos macrophotographies macrophotography magnoliophyta may monocot monocots monocotyledon monocotyledones monocotyledons month of year months of year morphologies morphologies (botany) morphology morphology (botany) multiannual plant multiannual plants old world one one animal only orchid family orchidaceae family orchids (flower) orchids family organism organisms perennial perennial plant perennial plants perennials phantom orchid (cephalanthera sp) phantom orchids (cephalanthera sp) photomacrographies photomacrography picardie plant plants pose posed posing recording recordings seasons settling settlings shoting shotings single solo species species characteristic species characteristics species particularities species particularity spermatophyte spermatophytes spring stage of development temperate season temperate seasons time scale time scales top shot top shots top sight top sights top view top views true flies true fly ue vegetale species vegetales species vegetation cycle vegetation cycles very close up view from above washington agreement white helleborine (cephalanthera damasonium) wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae