
Portrait of Okapi, Zoo de Doue la Fontaine France
Portrait of Okapi, Zoo de Doue la Fontaine France
Image ID: 860-282206
Artist: Claude Thouvenin
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adult adults afrasia afro eurasia alone animal in captivity animals in captivity artiodactyla atmosphere autumn captive captive animal captive animals construction element construction elements constructions elements continent continental area corral corrals count counting description descriptions ec eec enclosure endangered (iucn) en endangered species enumeration enumerations eu eurafrasia eurasia europe european economic community european union even toed ungulate fall (season) fauna use fauna uses france image and subject individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status landmass landmasses localisation localization location lone lonely maine et loire 49 mammal month of year months of year natural resources usage natural resources usages natural resources use natural resources uses october okapi (okapia johnstoni) okapis old world one one animal only outdoor outdoors outside outsides pays de la loire portrait portraits recording recordings seasons shoting shotings single societies society solo species stage of development temperate season temperate seasons threatened endangered species threatened species three quarter length three quarter shot three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter view three quarter views time scale time scales ue uicn ungulate wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae zoo zoological garden zoological gardens zoos