
Jay perched on a gate in winter, GB
Jay perched on a gate in winter, GB
Image ID: 860-282988
Artist: Frédéric Desmette
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action actions adult adults afrasia afro eurasia alone atmosphere bad season bad seasons barrier barriers bird birds construction element construction elements constructions elements continent continental area corvidae count counting description descriptions ec eec england enumeration enumerations eu eurafrasia eurasia eurasian jay (garrulus glandarius) europe european economic community european union fence fences great britain image and subject individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status jay jays landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species localisation localization location lone lonely low risk (iucn) lr old world one one animal only passeriforme and other passeriformes and others pose posed posing profile shot profile shots profile sight profile sights profile view profile views recording recordings ru seasons settling settlings shoting shotings side view single societies society solo songbird and other songbirds and others species stage of development temperate season temperate seasons ue uicn uk united kingdom wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae winter