
Young Lowland Frog on stump, France
Young Lowland Frog on stump, France
Image ID: 860-284049
Artist: Patrick Glaume
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action actions adult adults afrasia afro eurasia alone amphibian amphibians atmosphere babies baby batrachian batrachians centre continent continental area count counting description descriptions ec ecosystem ecosystems eec enumeration enumerations eu eurafrasia eurasia europe european economic community european union forest forests france frog frog (rana sp) frogs fuzzy fuzzyness image and subject individual individuals indre et loire 37 iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status juvenile juveniles landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species living organism living organisms localisation localization location lone lonely look looked looking low risk (iucn) lr lowland frog (rana ridibunda) lowland frogs (rana ridibunda) month of year months of year morphologies morphologies (botany) morphology morphology (botany) natural area natural areas nature old world one one animal only organism organisms recording recordings seasons september shoting shotings single smalls soft focus solo species stage of development stump stumps summer temperate forest temperate forests temperate season temperate seasons three quarter length three quarter shot three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter view three quarter views time scale time scales touraine ue uicn undergrowth unsharp unsharpness wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae young youngs