
White-tailed tropic bird, Fregate Island Seychelles
White-tailed tropic bird, Fregate Island Seychelles
Image ID: 860-284148
Artist: Sergio Pitamitz
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afrasia africa afro eurasia alone atmosphere bird birds blue skies blue sky color colors colour colours continent continental area count counting description descriptions diet pattern diet patterns earth's crust enumeration enumerations eurafrasia flap wings flapping wings flaps wings flight flights flutter fly (to) flying good weather ichtyophage ichtyophagous image and subject in flight indian ocean island islands islet islets iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status landform landforms landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species localisation localization location lone lonely low angle shot low angle shots low angle sight low angle sights low angle view low angle views low risk (iucn) lr meteorological phenomena meteorological phenomenon month of year months of year motion motions nice weather november old world one one animal only piscivore piscivores recording recordings sea bird sea birds seychelles (archipelago) shoting shotings single skies sky small island small islands solo southern africa species three quarter length three quarter shot three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter view three quarter views time scale time scales tropicbird tropicbirds uicn white whites white tailed tropicbird (phaethon lepturus) wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae world sea and ocean world seas and oceans