
Straw-coloured fruit bat migration, Kasanka NP Zambia
Straw-coloured fruit bat migration, Kasanka NP Zambia
Image ID: 860-284340
Artist: Juan-Carlos Muñoz
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action actions adult adults afrasia africa afro eurasia atmosphere atmosphere (ambiance) atmospheres (ambiance) backlighting backlightings backlit bat bats biodiversities biodiversity biodiversity management biodiversity managements biological diversity biological diversity managements chiroptera (order) chiroptères cloud clouds cloudy cloudy sky cockcrow continent continental area count counting dawn day rise daybreak daybreaks description descriptions detect detecting detectings detection detections dogfish (bat) dogfishes (bat) dusk ecosystem ecosystems enumeration enumerations environment environment management environment protection environment protections environmental managements environments eurafrasia flap wings flapping wings flaps wings flight flights flutter fly (to) flying food search food searches fruitbat fruit bat fruitbats fruit bats group groups image and subject in flight individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status kasanka (national park) landmass landmasses light effect light effects lighting effect lighting effects localisation localization location low formation low formations low risk (iucn) lr mammal meteorological phenomena meteorological phenomenon month of year months of year morning mornings motion motions national park national parks natural area natural areas nature nature management near threatened species (iucn) nt november old world pursuit pursuits quest quests savanna savannas seek seeked seeking seekings seeks sensitive natural areas silhouette silhouettes skies sky southern africa species stage of development straw colored fruit bat (eidolon helvum) surrounding surroundings time scale time scales tree savanna tree savannah tree savannas twilight uicn wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae zambia