
Portrait of female Southern Plum-coloured Starling
Portrait of female Southern Plum-coloured Starling
Image ID: 860-284354
Artist: Stéphan Bonneau
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action actions adult adults alone amethyst starling animal in captivity animals in captivity bird birds captive captive animal captive animals count counting description descriptions enumeration enumerations fauna use fauna uses female females image and subject individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status least concern (iucn) lc least concern species lone lonely low risk (iucn) lr natural resources usage natural resources usages natural resources use natural resources uses one one animal only passeriforme and other passeriformes and others plumcolored starling plum colored starling portrait portraits pose posed posing profile shot profile shots profile sight profile sights profile view profile views recording recordings settling settlings shoting shotings side view single solo songbird and other songbirds and others southern plum colored starling (cinnyricinclus leucogaster verre southern plum coloured starling (cinnyricinclus leucogaster verr species stage of development starling starling (spreo) starlings starlings (spreo) uicn violet starling violet backed starling (cinnyricinclus leucogaster verreauxi) violet backed starling (cinnyricinclus leucogaster) violet backed starlings (cinnyricinclus leucogaster) wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae zoo zoological garden zoological gardens zoos