
Asian Elephant painted for a ceremony, Rajasthan India
Asian Elephant painted for a ceremony, Rajasthan India
Image ID: 860-284484
Artist: Jean-François Mutzig
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adult adults afrasia afro eurasia alone animal accessory animal equipment animal use and care animals accessories animals equipments animals use and care art arts asia asian elephant (elephas maximus) cites appendix 1 color colored colorful colorfully colors colour colourful colours continent continental area convention on international trade in endangered species of wild count counting creed creeds cult cults description descriptions domestic animal domestic animals domestic mammal domestic mammals elephant elephant driver elephant drivers elephants endangered (iucn) en endangered species enumeration enumerations eurafrasia eurasia fauna use fauna uses fine art gait gaits hinduism human human being human beings human presence human presences humans image and subject india indian subcontinent individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status landmass landmasses localisation localization location lone lonely mahout mahouts mammal man march (month) men month of year months of year motion motions natural resources usage natural resources usages natural resources use natural resources uses old world one one animal only painting paintings person persons pet cloth pet clothes pet clothing pets clothes pets clothing plastic art plastic arts profile shot profile shots profile sight profile sights profile view profile views rajasthan (state) recording recordings religion religions religious faith religious faiths religious holiday religious holidays rudy shoting shotings side view single societies society solo south asia southern asia species stage of development tame animal tame animals tamed animal tamed animals threatened endangered species threatened species time scale time scales traditional painting traditional paintings uicn ungulate walk walking washington agreement wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae