
Borneo Pygmy Elephant , Sabah Malaysia
Borneo Pygmy Elephant , Sabah Malaysia
Image ID: 860-284601
Artist: Sylvain Cordier
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action actions afrasia afro eurasia alone asia asian elephant (elephas maximus) bank (rive) banks (rive) borneo borneo (malaysia) borneo elephant borneo elephants borneo pygmy elephant (elephas maximus borneensis) borneo pygmy elephants cites appendix 1 clearing clearings continent continental area convention on international trade in endangered species of wild count counting dense forest dense forests description descriptions detect detecting detectings detection detections diet pattern diet patterns dispatching distribution distributions eat eaten eating ecosystem ecosystems elephant elephants elephas maximus borneensis endangered (iucn) en endangered species endemic endemic species endemics enumeration enumerations equatorial forest equatorial forests eurafrasia eurasia extreme orient far east feed feeding food search food searches forest forests freshwater freshwater wetland area freshwater wetland areas freshwater wetland zone freshwater wetland zones freshwaters front shot front shots front sight front sights front view front views herb herbs image and subject indochina indochinese peninsula indo chinese peninsula insulinde iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status landmass landmasses living organism living organisms localisation localization location lone lonely malaysia mammal march (month) month of year months of year morphologies morphologies (botany) morphologies (zoology) morphology morphology (botany) morphology (zoology) natural area natural areas nature old world ombrophile forest ombrophile forests one one animal only organism organisms phytophage phytophages proboscis (zoology) pursuit pursuits quest quests rain forest rain forests rainforest recording recordings sabah sabbah seek seeked seeking seekings seeks shade plants shoting shotings single solo south east asia southeast asia southeastern asia species swallow swallowed swallowing threatened endangered species threatened species time scale time scales tropical forest tropical forests tropical rain forests tropical rainforest trunk (zoology) trunks (zoology) uicn ungulate washington agreement water edge water edges wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae