
Lion (Panthera leo) lioness with cub, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti, Tanzania
Lion (Panthera leo) lioness with cub, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti, Tanzania
Image ID: 860-287482
Artist: Pierluigi Rizzato
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panthera leo panthera felidae carnivora mammalia vertebrata lion panthera leo savanna river stream adult family cross walk carry to tenderness profile shot overview carnivore diet ngorongoro conservation area panthera biosphere reserve young protection pair vulnerable iucn vu cites appendix 2 lion cub lioness april water surface big cat wildcat feline carnivoran mammal wild animal low formation area body of water freshwater wetland area stage of development individual enumeration gait locomotion motion emotion shot diet pattern species arusha region tanzania east africa africa felidae carnivora mammalia vertebrata environment protection environment management biodiversity management environment protect behavior iucn red list of threatened species convention on international trade in endangered species of wild cites young female water matter matter substance lions savannas rivers stream adults families stepping crossing crossed walking transport to hold carried carrying held holding transporting transported transportation affection good looking cute tenderly caress caresses tendernesses profile sights profile sight profile shots profile view profile views side view overviews global sight global sights full length carnivorous animal carnivores diet carnivorous animals meat eating animal meat eating animals n' gorongoro biosphere reserves young protections young supervision duet pairs duets 2 two vulnerable species lion cubs lionesses water surfaces watersurface watersurfaces panthera leo