
Elsamere staff member poses with Eric a person-friendly giraffe at Elsamere Naivasha Kenya
Elsamere staff member poses with Eric a person-friendly giraffe at Elsamere Naivasha Kenya
Image ID: 860-287754
Artist: Mark Boulton / Biosphoto
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giraffa camelopardalis giraffa giraffidae artiodactyla mammalia vertebrata giraffa camelopardalis giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis) turf freshwater lake nature tourism adult man caress (to) overview naivasha lake (national park) giraffa complicity east african rift valley tamed animal lodge vulnerable (iucn) vu touch ramsar convention site september giraffes (giraffa cameleopardalis) turfs lawn lawns freshwater lakes fresh water lake fresh water lakes adults men caressed cherish cherishing cherished affectionate caressing overviews global sight global sights full length naivasha lake national park complicities collusion accomplice accomplices collusions great rift valley rift valley tamed animals lodges vulnerable species touching touched ramsar convention sites giraffe even toed ungulate ungulate mammal wild animal garden element hortus freshwater wetland area area ecotourism tourism journey leisure stage of development individual person behavior shot rift valley province kenya east africa africa giraffidae artiodactyla mammalia vertebrata emotion fracture (geology) landform earth's crust fauna use natural resources use safari animal tourism threatened endangered species iucn red list of threatened species species environment protection environment management biodiversity management environment