
Pod of short-finned pilot whales, (Globicephala macrorhynchus), Dominica, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.
Pod of short-finned pilot whales, (Globicephala macrorhynchus), Dominica, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.
Image ID: 860-287899
Artist: Franco Banfi / Biosphoto
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physeter macrocephalus physeter catodon physeter physeteridae cetacea mammalia vertebrata physeter macrocephalus physeter catodon adult group high angle view overview underwater shot blue dominica island tropical sea physeter sperm whale (physeter catodon) caribbean sea vulnerable (iucn) vu cites appendix 1 january february saltwater species nobody adults groups high angle shot overhead shots overhead shot overhead sight overhead sights overhead view overhead views overviews global sight global sights full length subaquatic photos subaquatic sights seen under the water photos under the water underwater shots subaquatic image underwater view submarine images submarine sights submarine sight submarine photos submarine photo underwater views submarine photographies submarine photography underwater underwaterphoto underwaterpicture underwaterphotography underwaterphotographies underwaterphotos underwaterpictures commonwealth of dominica tropical seas tropical oceans tropical ocean macrocephalic sperm whale sperm whales (physeter catodon) macrocephalic sperm whales carribbean sea vulnerable species salt water species marine species with nobody stage of development individual enumeration shot colour lesser antilles (archipelago) antilles islands archipelago america sea marine area area physeteridae cetacea mammalia vertebrata sperm whale whale cetacean marine mammal mammal wild animal north atlantic ocean atlantic ocean world sea and ocean threatened endangered species iucn red list of threatened species species convention on international trade in endangered species of wild aquatic species species particularity