
Girl carrying a young wild boar, France
Girl carrying a young wild boar, France
Image ID: 860-288036
Artist: Eric Guilloret / Biosphoto
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sus scrofa sus suidae artiodactyla mammalia vertebrata sus scrofa spring alone carry (to) profile shot overview girl sus provence wild boar (sus scrofa) juvenile livery young wild boar least concern (iucn) lc april single lonely only solo one lone transport (to) hold carried carrying held holding transporting transported transportation profile sights profile sight profile shots profile view profile views side view overviews global sight global sights full length girls wild boars (sus scrofa) juvenile plumage juvenile coat juvenile coats juvenile plumages juvenile liveries young wild boars least concern species temperate season seasons atmosphere enumeration shot child person individual suidae artiodactyla mammalia vertebrata france european union europe suid even toed ungulate ungulate mammal wild animal livery morphology (zoology) morphology organism young stage of development low risk (iucn) lr iucn red list of threatened species species