
Fog at dusk in the morning over the Arve valley. Air and light pollution in the Arve valley. Shooting from Mont M?le, Haute-Savoie, France
Fog at dusk in the morning over the Arve valley. Air and light pollution in the Arve valley. Shooting from Mont M?le, Haute-Savoie, France
Image ID: 860-289056
Artist: Christophe Suarez
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air pollution lighting landscape mountain valley fog cloud autumn town high angle view overview twilight night luminous pollution smoke haute savoie 74 alps (range) morning man induced activity october nobody air pollutions lightings landscapes panorama panoramas mountains valleys dales dale dells dell vale vales fogs mists mist misty rain foggy cloudy clouds cloudy sky fall (season) towns agglomeration agglomerations high angle shot overhead shots overhead shot overhead sight overhead sights overhead view overhead views overviews global sight global sights full length dusk nights nightime luminous pollutions light pollution light pollutions pollution from city lights smokes dawn daybreak daybreaks mornings day rise cockcrow man induced activities human activities consequence human activities impact man induced impact with nobody pollution environment material area landform earth's crust meteorological phenomenon atmosphere sky temperate season seasons human settlement shot atmosphere (ambiance) visual pollution gas (matter) mineral matter matter (substance) rh?ne alpes auvergne rh?ne alpes france european union europe world mountain and summit relation between species species individual