
Spectacled eider hen (Somateria fisheri), arctic tundra, Alaska, June 2019
Spectacled eider hen (Somateria fisheri), arctic tundra, Alaska, June 2019
Image ID: 860-289739
Artist: Marco Valentini
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somateria fischeri north american tundra spring adult lie down posing rest camouflage overview arctic alaska look cold sea three quarter shot female duck somateria least concern june chukchi sea spectacled eider somateria fischeri nobody north american tundras adults going to bed lengthened stretched out lengthen lengthening bedtime stretching out stretch out go to bed laying down posed pose settlings settling siestas resting siesta rested restful make the siesta making the siesta being lazy be lazy camouflages overviews global sight global sights full length looked looking cold seas cold ocean cold oceans three quarter views three quarter view three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter length female ducks least concern species chukchee sea with nobody polar tundra low formation area temperate season seasons atmosphere stage of development individual posture behavior relation between species species shot pacific states western united states united states of america north america america sea marine area female anatinae anatidae anseriformes aves tetrapoda vertebrata chordata deuterostomia coelomata bilateria metazoa opisthokonta eukaryota low risk iucn) lr iucn red list of threatened species arctic ocean world sea and ocean eider diving duck wild duck palmiped bird wild animal