
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) birth, Sumatra
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) birth, Sumatra
Image ID: 860-290783
Artist: Alain Compost
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tapirus indicus tropical forest newborn child alone tenderness overview sumatra tapirus endangered iucn en three quarter shot juvenile livery april asian tapir tapirus indicus nobody equatorial forests tropical forests equatorial forest dense forests dense forest newborn childrens newborn children new born childrens new born children infant infants new born child new born childs newborn childs single lonely only solo one lone affection good looking cute tenderly caress caresses tendernesses overviews global sight global sights full length endangered species three quarter views three quarter view three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter length juvenile plumage juvenile coat juvenile coats juvenile plumages juvenile liveries asian tapirs indian tapir indian tapirs malayan tapir malayan tapirs malay tapir malay tapirs with nobody forest area young stage of development individual enumeration emotion shot indonesia insulinde south east asia far east asia tapiridae perissodactyla mammalia therapsida synapsida vertebrata chordata deuterostomia coelomata bilateria metazoa opisthokonta eukaryota threatened endangered species iucn red list of threatened species species livery morphology zoology morphology organism convention on international trade in endangered species of wild cites tapir odd toed ungulate ungulate mammal wild animal animal