
Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in seagrass - seagrass, sebadal, seba (Cymodocea nodosa). Of all the sea turtles that exist, it is the only omnivorous species, feeding in its subadult and adult state on marine plants and algae. Underwater bottoms of the Canary Islands, Tenerife.
Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in seagrass - seagrass, sebadal, seba (Cymodocea nodosa). Of all the sea turtles that exist, it is the only omnivorous species, feeding in its subadult and adult state on marine plants and algae. Underwater bottoms of the Canary Islands, Tenerife.
Image ID: 860-291401
Artist: Sergio Hanquet
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chelonia mydas cymodocea nodosa natural area sea bottom adult alone eat portrait profile shot underwater shot tenerife temperate sea seagrass endangered iucn green sea turtle chelonia mydas chelonia slender seagrass cymodocea nodosa cymodocea cites appendix 1 least concern iucn february saltwater species macaronesia nobody aquatic plant nature natural areas ecosystem ecosystems benthons sea bottoms adults single lonely only solo one lone eating feed feeding eaten swallow swallowing swallowed portraits profile sights profile sight profile shots profile view profile views side view subaquatic photos subaquatic sights seen under the water photos under the water underwater shots subaquatic image underwater view submarine images submarine sights submarine sight submarine photos submarine photo underwater views submarine photographies submarine photography underwater underwaterphoto underwaterpicture underwaterphotography underwaterphotographies underwaterphotos underwaterpictures teneriffe temperate seas temperate ocean temperate oceans seagrasses marine meadow marine meadows marine herbarium marine herbariums submarine meadow submarine meadows maritime bed maritime beds endangered species green sea turtles seagrasses cymodocea nodosa least concern species salt water species marine species with nobody hydrophyte hydrophytes aquatic plants naturalness area marine area stage of development individual enumeration shot canary islands archipelago spain european union europe sea threatened endangered species iucn red list of threatened species species sea turtle tortoise / turtle reptile wild animal animal cheloniidae testudines anapsida reptilia tetrapoda vertebrata chordata deuterostomia coelomata bilateria metazoa opisthokonta eukaryota cymodoceaceae family najadales order flora cymodoceaceae najadales monocotyledoneae angiospermae spermatophyta / phanerogamae tracheophyta embryophyta chlorobionta archaeplastida convention on international trade in endangered species of wild cites low risk iucn aquatic species species particularity north atlantic ocean atlantic ocean world sea and ocean