
Sabre squirrelfish;Sargocentron spiniferum) having found refuge in a huge barrel sponge;Xestospongia testudinaria) at the mouth of the S-shaped pass at a depth of 50 meters. Mayotte
Sabre squirrelfish;Sargocentron spiniferum) having found refuge in a huge barrel sponge;Xestospongia testudinaria) at the mouth of the S-shaped pass at a depth of 50 meters. Mayotte
Image ID: 860-292789
Artist: Gabriel Barathieu
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sargocentron spiniferum adioryx spinifer xestospongia testudinaria sea bottom coral reef lagoon adult alone overview underwater shot mayotte protect tropical sea sargocentron sabre squirrelfish sargocentron spiniferum coral reef fish biodiversity xestospongia barrel sponge xestospongia testudinaria july pass saltwater species mozambique channel several species benthons sea bottoms coral reefs barrier reef barrier reefs coralreef coralreefs lagoons adults single lonely only solo one lone overviews global sight global sights full length subaquatic photos subaquatic sights seen under the water photos under the water underwater shots subaquatic image underwater view submarine images submarine sights submarine sight submarine photos submarine photo underwater views submarine photographies submarine photography underwater underwaterphoto underwaterpicture underwaterphotography underwaterphotographies underwaterphotos underwaterpictures defend protecting defending defended protect itself protecting itself tropical seas tropical oceans tropical ocean sabre squirrelfishes sargocentron spiniferum coral reef fishes biodiversities biological diversity biological diversities barrel sponges xestospongia testudinaria passes salt water species marine species different species marine area area reef landform earth's crust stage of development individual enumeration shot comoro islands africa behavior sea holocentridae beryciformes teleostei actinopterygii euteleostomi gnathostomata vertebrata chordata deuterostomia coelomata bilateria metazoa opisthokonta eukaryota squirrelfish sargocentron sp soldierfish actinopterygian bony fish fish animal vertebrate chordate wild animal animal saltwater fish fishes particularity species particularity species environment haliclonidae haplosclerida demospongiae porifera gelatinosa parazoa barrel sponge xestospongia sp siliceous sponge sponge invertebrate aquatic species indian ocean world sea and ocean