
Pilot whale (globicephala macrorynchus) A pilot whale about to surface to breathe. Canary Islands
Pilot whale (globicephala macrorynchus) A pilot whale about to surface to breathe. Canary Islands
Image ID: 931-431
Artist: Christopher Swann
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2 animalia animals animal animal age animal group atlantic atlantic ocean adult adult animals adult animal animal themes animal theme calder¢n dealeta corta calder¢n tropical canaries cetacean cetaceans color images color image color colour images colour colour image canary islands cetacea days day free flen from the side full length fully grown globicefalo di gray globicephala macrohynchus globicephala macrorhynchus globic‚phale tropical globicephala macrocephalus globicephala macroryhncus globicephala macrorynchus habitat habitats horizontal horizontals in the wild kurzflossen grindwal landscape mammalia mammal mammals marine marine animal marine animals marine life marine life maritime climate maritime mature movement natural phenomena natural phenomenon natural worlds natural world nature natural environment natural environments natural habitats natural habitat no one no people no person no body no one nobody oceanic ocean oceanic climate outdoors outside pilot whale pilot whales place of interest pair short finned pilot whales short finned pilot whale short finned pilot whales site of interest sites of interest seas and oceans sea sea animals sea animal sea creatures sea creature sea life sealife seas short finned side view side views surface tropischer grindwal two animals two whale wild animal wild animals wild life wild life water whales wildlife wild s083 s083 te s083 prm