
A resident Orca (Orcinus orca) pod consisting of 5 animals in total. The pod was sighted off the South Marble Island Group in Glacier Bay National Park, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean
A resident Orca (Orcinus orca) pod consisting of 5 animals in total. The pod was sighted off the South Marble Island Group in Glacier Bay National Park, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean
Image ID: 979-6742
Artist: Michael Nolan
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2 alaska animal group animalia animal animals america american americas animal theme animal themes blackfish cetacean cetaceans color image color images color colour image colour colour images cetacea dolphin days day delphinus dephis dolphins glacier bay national park habitat habitats horizontal horizontals killer whale killer whales landscape mammalia mammal mammals marine marine animal marine animals marine life marine life natural phenomena natural phenomenon natural world natural worlds nature north america national park national parks no one no people no person no body no one nobody np nps orca orcas orcinus orca ocean pacific ocean protected area protected areas pacific pair pod pods south marble islands sea animal sea animals sea creature sea creatures sea life sealife seas and oceans two animals two us usa united states of america united states us usa water s057 s057 te