
Iceberg detail in and around the Antarctic Peninsula during the summer months, Southern Ocean
Iceberg detail in and around the Antarctic Peninsula during the summer months, Southern Ocean
Image ID: 979-7453
Artist: Michael Nolan
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1 person 1 person only 1 woman 1 1 woman only antarctic antarctic peninsula adult adults adventure adventures adventurous antarctica antarctis color images color image color colour images colour colour image camera carry carrying circumpolar covered cover discovering discover discoveries discovery day days environmental issues environmental environment expedition exploration explored explores explore exploring female females frozen water freezing water green issues glaciers glacier grown ups grown up grown up grown ups h&s head and shoulders hold holding horizon horizons horizontal horizontals ice iceberg icebergs landscape landscapes looking look nature natural world naturally one woman only only women ocean one person one one person only one woman outdoors outside place of interest peninsula peninsulas photographer photographing photography site of interest sites of interest see seeing snow snow capped snow covered snow capped snowcapped south south pole standing stand standing still tourism tourist tourist destination tourist destinations tourists taking photo taking photos taking picture taking pictures the environment to carry to discover to explore to hold to look to see to stand using camera using cameras woman women only women s059 s059 te