
Guests from the Lindblad Expedition ship National Geographic Explorer take the Polar Plunge off ice floe in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Guests from the Lindblad Expedition ship National Geographic Explorer take the Polar Plunge off ice floe in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Image ID: 979-7758
Artist: Michael Nolan
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1 person 1 person only 1 antarctic antarctic peninsula antarctica antarctis behind boys boy cold cold temperature cold temperatures color images color color image colour images colour image colour children child circumpolar days day frozen water flen freezing water from behind full length habitat habitats high angle high angle view high angle views high angles high angle view high angle views holiday holidays horizontal horizontals ice jumping jump kid kids lindblad expedition lindblad expeditions lindblad landscape mid air natural phenomena natural phenomenon natural worlds natural world nature one person one one person only outdoors outside rear view snow south south pole tourism tourist tourist destination tourist destinations tourists to jump travel travelled travelling travels vacation vacations water weddell sea s059 s059 te