
Adult green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the protected marine sanctuary at Honolua Bay, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Adult green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the protected marine sanctuary at Honolua Bay, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Image ID: 979-7843
Artist: Michael Nolan
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1 americas america animal age animal group animalia animals animal adult animal adult animals adult american animal sanctuary animal theme animal themes big island chelonia mydas agassizii chelonia mydas color image color images color colour image colour colour images cloudy cloud clouds days day elevated view endangered endanger free from above fully grown green sea turtles green sea turtle green turtles green turtle habitat habitats hawaii honolua bay high angle view high international union for conseravtion of nature iucn iucn classifications iucn classification iucn classified in the wild islands island marine animal marine animals marine life marine sanctuaries marine life marine marine sanctuary mature maui natural phenomena natural phenomenon natural worlds natural world nature north america natural environment natural environments natural habitat natural habitats no one no people no person no body no one nobody one animal one protected areas protected area portrait reptile reptiles sanctuaries sanctuary sea bottom sea floor sea bed sea floor seabed seafloor sea sea animals sea animal sea creatures sea creature sea life sealife seas seas and oceans surface swimming swims turtle turtles us usa underwater world underwater worlds united states of america united states usa us underwater vertical wild animal wild animals wild life wild life water wildlife wild s064 s064 te