38 results found

Scarlet tiger moth caterpillar (Callimorpha dominula) feeding on common comfrey leaf (Symphytum officinale), Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Caterpillars on tree bark, Upper Amazon River Basin, Amazon National Park, Loreto, Peru, South America

Historical caterpillar in the meteorological station Sedov in Tikhaya Bay on Hooker island, Franz Josef Land archipelago, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Arctic, Russia, Europe

Female mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides) with a caterpillar, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States of America, North America

Caterpillar Queen Alexandras Birdwing, Ornithoptera alexandrae, Tufi, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea

Amanita Muscaria (fly agaric) mushrooms in the underwood with a processionary bug climbing one of them, Emilia Romagna, Italy, Europe

Cinnabar moth caterpillars (Tyria jacobaeae) feeding on Ragwort plants (Senecio jacobaea), Corfe Common, Dorset, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Amanita Muscaria (fly agaric) mushrooms in the underwood with a processionary bug (caterpillar) climbing one of them, Emilia Romagna, Italy, Europe

Larvae stage of Tent Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, make tent of silk on host hedgerow in County Cork, Ireland

Larvae stage of Tent Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, make tent of silk on host hedgerow in County Cork, Ireland

Larvae stage of Tent Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, make tent of silk on host hedgerow in County Cork, Ireland

Larvae stage of Tent Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, make tent of silk on host hedgerow in County Cork, Ireland

Larvae stage of Tent Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, make tent of silk on host hedgerow in County Cork, Ireland

Larvae stage of Tent Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, make tent of silk on host hedgerow in County Cork, Ireland

Mullein Shargacucullia verbasci moth caterpillars feeding on wild poppy plant in English country garden, UK

Chinese herbs, medicines, bird's nests and dried seafood in shop in Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China

Chinese herbs, medicines, dried seafood and birds nests in shop in Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China

Spurge Hawkmoth (Hyles euphorbiae) close-up of final instar fully grown larva showing pattern and colors

Deaths-head hawkmoth (acherontia atropos) final instar larva or caterpillar, showing close-up of tail or horn

Hummingbird Hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum) final instar fully grown larva, feeding on bedstraw, Oxfordshire, UK

A wasp (species Delta emarginatum, family eumenidae, order hymenoptera) stings a caterpillar on a leaf in Cape Town in South Africa.

Broad,bordered bee hawkmoth (hemaris fuciformis) close,up of larva feeding on honeysuckle leaf, oxfordshire, uk

Hummingbird Hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum) fully grown final instar larva feeding on bedstraw, Oxfordshire, UK

Lobster moth (stauropus fagi) second instar larva, just emerged from old larval skin, ant mimic, oxfordshire, uk

European Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) final instar larva or caterpillar, feeding on Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus), a very unusual foodplant, Bulgaria

Sphingidae moth larvae on leaf, Mamiraua sustainable development reserve, Amazonas, Brazil, South America

When the shed skin nears the tail, the newly formed chrysalis begins to shake very vigorously until the skin falls to the ground, then it settles down to form the butterfly within. The shape of the wings, anttenae and eyes can already be clearly seen. The process completes in seven to ten days. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

When the shed skin nears the tail, the newly formed chrysalis begins to shake very vigorously until the skin falls to the ground, then it settles down to form the butterfly within. The shape of the wings, anttenae and eyes can already be clearly seen. The process completes in seven to ten days. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

Painted lady caterpillar shortly before changing to chrysalis. It hangs itself upside down in this hooked position for around 24 hours. It continues to move throughout the 24 hours in gentle changes of position. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

As the time to change gets nearer, the caterpillar begins to move more and more, sometimes shaking vigorously. The skin begins to split and the caterpillar sheds its skin in a concertina motion. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

The young caterpillars once hatched make silk compounds within which they start their growing process which takes about two weeks. The silk enclosure helps to protect them against potential predators. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

Construction workers installing a power cable on the foreshore of the Solway Firth near Workington, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

As the time to change gets nearer, the caterpillar begins to move more and more, sometimes shaking vigorously. The skin begins to split and the caterpillar sheds its skin in a concertina motion. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

As the time to change gets nearer, the caterpillar begins to move more and more, sometimes shaking vigorously. The skin begins to split and the caterpillar sheds its skin in a concertina motion. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

Construction workers working on the foreshore of the Solway Firth near Workington, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Construction workers working on the foreshore of the Solway Firth near Workington, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

As the caterpillars grow, they leave their silk protection and continue feeding until they are large and mature enough to seek somewhere safe to change into chrysalis.. Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

Construction workers working on the foreshore of the Solway Firth near Workington, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Construction workers installing a power cable on the foreshore of the Solway Firth near Workington, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Construction workers installing a power cable on the foreshore of the Solway Firth near Workington, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

As the caterpillars grow, they leave their silk protection and continue feeding until they are large and mature enough to seek somewhere safe to change into chrysalis.. Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

As the time to change gets nearer, the caterpillar begins to move more and more, sometimes shaking vigorously. The skin begins to split and the caterpillar sheds its skin in a concertina motion. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

Nests of the Pine Processionary Caterpiller (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in pine trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Andalucia, southern Spain, Europe

Cabbage damaged by caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly on an allotment in Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Cabbage damaged by caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly on an allotment in Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Nests of the Pine Processionary Caterpiller (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in pine trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Andalucia, southern Spain, Europe

Nests of the Pine Processionary Caterpiller (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in pine trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Andalucia, southern Spain, Europe

Caterpillar 994F front end loader in the Aitik copper mine of Boliden AB, about 20 km southeast of the town of Gaellivare in northern Sweden, one of the largest open pit copper mines in Europe, in addition to copper, gold and silver, Molybdenum has been m