47 results found

The Monumental Gateway to the Arab Citadel, built in 1260, Aleppo, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Syria, Middle East

The Monumental Gateway to the Arab Citadel, built in 1260, Aleppo, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Syria, Middle East

Carved wooden mimbar (pulpit) dating from the 15th century, in interior of Grand Mosque founded in 715, Aleppo, Syria, Middle East

Moat, tower and main entrance gate, The Citadel, Aleppo, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Syria, Middle East

Courtyard with fountains and minaret beyond, Jami'a Zaqarieh Grand Mosque, Aleppo, Syria, Middle East

Syria, Aleppo, The Famous Hammam Al Habbadiye Built In Xivth Cent, And Rehabilitated As Luxury Baths , Under The Cupola At Back A Man Washing At A Tap

Syria, Limestone Region West Of Aleppo, Abandoned Village, In Saint Simeon, The Warden Holds A Stick And An Islamic Rosary Sbih To Help Repeat Prayers

Syria, Aleppo, The Citadel, View In The Interior Fortress Yard And The Mosque Through A Typical Turkish Stone Gate

Syria, Limestone Region West Of Aleppo, Village Of Saint Simeon, The Basilica Founded After The Monk Simeon (390-459 Ad) Used To Live On Top Of A Pillar For 37 Years

Syria, Aleppo, The Souks (Traditional Covered Markets), Veiled Woman Dressed In Black Passing Female Underwear Stall

Ruin of the byzantine church of Mshabak, Mushabbak, near Aleppo, Dead Cities, Syria, Middle East, West Asia