36 results found
Chestnut-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis ruficeps) flying from a Royal Palm tree, Amazon Basin, Brazil, South America
Wooden houses on stilts in the flooded forest along the Madeira River, Amazonas state, Brazil, South America
Golden-backed squirrel monkey (Saimiri ustus), carrying a juvenile on its back, Amazon basin, Brazil, South America
White-fronted Capuchin (Cebus albifrons), Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve, near Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil, South America
Yanomami Indian girl with sticks at the corners of her mouth and just below her lower lip and bead necklaces lies in a hammock in her village in the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.
Amazon River Dolphin, Pink River Dolphin or Boto (Inia geoffrensis) , extremely rare picture of wild animal breaching , Threatened species (IUCN Red List), along Rio Negro, Amazon river basin, Amazonas state, Manaus, Brazil, South America