37 results found

An adult Amazonian poison frog (Dendrobates ventrimaculatus), on the Maranon River, near Iquitos, Peru, South America

An adult Amazonian poison frog (Dendrobates ventrimaculatus), on the Maranon River, near Iquitos, Peru, South America

An adult Amazonian Milk Frog (Trachycephalus macrotis), at the Amazon Rescue Center, Iquitos, Peru, South America

For centuries the amazonian forest has been a nourishing mother for the kayapo, who survive mostly on hunting, fishing and gathering. gorotire kayapo reserve, brazilian amazon

Father Bortoli teaching Yanomami Indian children at the Catholic mission school at Mavaca on the Upper Orinoco River. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.

Father Bortoli teaching Yanomami Indian children at the Catholic mission school at Mavaca on the Upper Orinoco River. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.

Yanomami Indian shaman snorts epene, a hallucinogenic powder. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.

Yanomami Indian children at the Catholic mission school at Mavaca on the Upper Orinoco River. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.

Yanomami Indian girl with sticks at the corners of her mouth and just below her lower lip and bead necklaces lies in a hammock in her village in the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.

Mountain overlooking the Amazon rainforest. A view from the air of one of the many peaks of the Amazon rainforest in French Guiana, towering above the clouds. A mystical and untouched environment, French Guiana.

View from the Inselberg in the Nouragues nature reserve. View of the entire forest and canopy from the top of the inselberg. Inselbergs, also known as "rock savannahs" in French Guiana, can also be large, more or less flat expanses of bare granite - Regina, French Guiana.

Camp inselberg, scientific station in the Nouragues nature reserve. Carbet storage on the Nouragues station, where all researchers can store their research equipment - Regina, French Guiana.

Camp inselberg, scientific station in the Nouragues nature reserve. Sleeping area in the "carbets", here everyone sleeps in hammocks, nothing better in the rainforest - Regina, French Guiana.

View from the Inselberg in the Nouragues nature reserve. View of the entire forest and canopy from the top of the inselberg. Inselbergs, also known as "rock savannahs" in French Guiana, can also be large, more or less flat expanses of bare granite - Regina, French Guiana.

River in the Amazon rainforest. Shot from the air, after the rain, a few evapotranspiration clouds float over this immense, dense forest as far as the eye can see - French Guiana

River in the Amazon rainforest. Shot from the air, after the rain, a few evapotranspiration clouds float over this immense, dense forest as far as the eye can see - French Guiana

Camp inselberg, scientific station in the Nouragues nature reserve. Solar panels on the camp which, together with a turbine;hydraulic energy), provide independent electrical power - Regina, French Guiana.