10 results found

Pioneers statue on Boom Island park, Downton Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America, North America

Twinflower (Linnaea borealis), Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Idaho, United States of America, North America

Panoramic view of iron ore mine Cockerill d'Esch-sur-Alzette that played a major role in economic boom from the 1870s to the 1990s, Luxembourg

The iron ore mine Cockerill d'Esch-sur-Alzette played a major role in economic boom from the 1870s to the 1990s, Luxembourg

The iron ore mine Cockerill d'Esch-sur-Alzette played a major role in economic boom from the 1870s to the 1990s, Luxembourg

Oil derrick and buldings from Spindletop boomtown period, Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America

Oil gusher reconstruction, Spindletop boomtown period, Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum, Beaumont, Texas, United States of America

Central Park West, closed to traffic for an event, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States of America, North America

Ouray County Courthouse dating from 1888 on 4th Street and 6th Avenue, built during the mining boom period, includes offices, courtroom, sheriff's quarters, jail and a county art collection, Ouray, Colorado, United States of America (U.S.A.), North America

'Iron Blow', the famous Mount Lyell mine where gold and copper was discovered in 1883, starting the mining boom and subsequent environmental damage here, Queenstown, Tasmania, Australia, Pacific

Nepal. Sonam & boom praying at charnel grounds. Humla. Vajrayana is tantric mahasiddha, lives fearlessly in terrifying places like remote jungles charnel grounds. nyingma lamas perform ritual at cremation grounds. lama rattles damaru, a small ritual drum to have origins in - shamanism. damaru, used as a tantric device to summon gods ward evil spirits, once made from human skull bones dried human skin as a reminder of impermanence of body. other lama, boom blows a kangling, a human thigh-bone horn. kangling is used in exorcism is capable of gods demons. Traditionally, best bones a kangling come from brahmans, particularly sixteen-year- brahman girls-or from tigers

Nepal. Ritual, sonam/boom. Lobsangs cremation. Humla. traveler reached of journey! In freedom of infinite he is free from sorrow, fetters that bound thrown away, burning fever of life is no more,oesays dharmapada. Lobsang having spent whole life preparing moment of death, finds liberation on february 14, 1986. Extensive ritual follows cremation-traditionally a forty nine period, sonam lama rattles damaru. A small ritual drum to have origin in - shamanism. damaru, used as a tantric device to summon gods ward evil spirits, once made from human skull bone dreid human skin as a reminder of impermanence of body. Boom lama blows a kangling, a human thigh-bone horn. kangling is used in exorcism is capable of gods demons. Traditionally, best bones a kangling come from brahmans, particularly sixteen-year- brahman girls-or from tigers. On makeshift altar rest chhome, votive lamps filled with butter, cups of water, grains, tormas, holy food made of barley meal decorated with medallions of butter offered to gods. Alone, boom lama continues prayers of deceased

With such demands for Lake Victoria's Nile perch, the value of the fishery has risen considerably. Labour inflows into the fishery have increased along with growing demand. In 2004, there were 51,712, boats on the lake and 153,066 fishermen. All along the lakeshore, G®?boom townsG®ö have developed in response to the demands of fishing crews with money to spend from a dayG®ös fishing. These towns resemble shanties and have little in the way of services. Jinja, Uganda, East Africa

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Hangdang Steel works is one of the largest steel plants in China, fuelling the country's huge construction boom and requiring massive quantities of coal to power its furnaces, Hangdang, Northern China, Asia

Shopping Shanghai, New World, Yao Han, shopping mall, escalator, shops, stores, mega malls, multi storey, advertising, Werbung, consumers, fashion, design, atrium

VIP Room Bar and Disco, trend bar, club, bar, disco, chic, trendy, dance, flirt, lichtshow, Lichteffekte, party szene, Partyworld, Theke, video screen, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Chinesische Nationalfahne, national flag, Flagge, Nation, gelber Stern, Sterne, red star, yellow, Oriental Pearl Tower, Pudong, Fahnenmast mit Fahne, PRC

Gaojia motorway, Yan'an Zhonglu Motorway, Gaojia, elevated highway system, Hochstrasse, Autobahnring, Autobahnkreuz im Zentrum von Shanghai, Hochstrasse auf Stelzen, Kreuzung von Chongqing Zhong Lu und Yan'an Dong Lu, Expressway, night skyline of central Shanghai, Huaihai and Pudong, Lichterband

Nippes Kulturrevolution, Mao Figuren, Nippes, Kitsch, Nostalgie, Ikone, Kulturrevolution, Viererbande, Gang of Four, Erniedrigung des Klassenfeindes, Politische Opfer, Propaganda, Diktator, Porzellan, china ware, Keramik, Bronze, Cultural Revolution, political victim, prisoner, Rote Garde, Red Guard, Souvenir, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Hongkou quarter Shanghai, Zhapu Lu, Strasse, street, traditionelle Bebauung, Strassenkehrer, Reklame, Werbung, Werbetafeln, bicycle, Fahrrad, Strasse, street, Restaurant-Strasse, restaurants, brothels, shops, Bordell, Massagesalons, Leuchtreklame, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Nanpu Bridge, Autobahnschleife vor dem Ueberqueren des Huangpu River, Kreisel, Auto, Verkehr, Stadtautobahn, motorway, circle, spirale, Betonspirale, Gaojia expressway to Pudong

Shopping arcades Shanghai, handy photo, mobile, cellphone camera, Shop, plaza 66, plastic container, Plastikdosen, shopping mall, shops, stores, mega malls, multi storey, advertising, Werbung, consumers, fashion, Mode, design, boutique

Hongkou quarter Shanghai, Strasse, street, traditionelle Bebauung, Hochhaeuser, highrise, Wohnungsbau, Strassenkehrer, Reklame, Werbung, Werbetafeln, bicycle, Strasse, street, blue neon light, Shops, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Gaojia motorway, Gaojia, elevated highway system, Hochstrasse, Bruecke, bridge, Autobahnring, Autobahnkreuz im Zentrum von Shanghai, Hochstrasse auf Stelzen, Kreuzung von Chongqing Zhong Lu und Yan'an Dong Lu, Expressway, blue illumination, blaue Illumination, puzzle of concrete tracks, puzzle of concrete tracks, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Bride and groom, Peace Hotel, White wedding, Brautpaar, Hochzeit, Dachterrasse, Blick ueber Pudong, view above Pudong and river

Shopping, Nanjing Road, Evening, Nanjing Road, Pearl Orient Tower, shopping, consumer, consume, Konsum, Einkauf, Neon, Advertising, Werbung, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Kunstsammlerin, Maezenin, Sieglinde Simbuerger, wohnt in einem Haus in der Altstadt, lives with her collection in an old house in Old Town, Portrait, junge Frau, rot, red, Mao tattoo, Kunstsammlung, paintings of painter Lao Fan, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Huxinting Teahouse, Yu Yuan Garden, Teehaus am Yu Garden, Gartenkunst, classical Garden of Joy, Yu Yuan Garden, Nanshi, Nippes, Kitsch, Zickzack Bruecke, Feng Shui, Mid Lake Pavilion Teahouse, twisting bridge, Bridge of nine turnings, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Restaurant, Huxinting Teahouse, Jaotse, dumpling, Teigtaschen, Restaurant, Yu Garden Bazar, Nanshi, Nippes, Kitsch, Zickzack Bruecke, Feng Shui, Mid Lake Pavilion Teahouse, twisting bridge, Bridge of nine turnings, window, bamboo steam pots

Shopping, Nanjing Road, Evening, crowds, Nanjing Road shopping, people, pedestrians, Einkauf, rush hour, Menschenmassen, crowd, aus: "Mythos Shanghai", Shanghai, Sachbuch, Bildband, Fotos Karl Johaentges, Text Erich Follath, Verlag, Collection Rolf Heyne, 2005

Huxinting Teahouse, Yu Yuan Garden, Teehaus am Yu Garden, Gartenkunst, classical Garden of Joy, Yu Yuan Garden, Nanshi, Zickzack Bruecke, Feng Shui, Mid Lake Pavilion Teahouse, twisting bridge, Bridge of nine turnings, window, Fenster, Durchblick, view

Tourist Tunnel Pudong, Touristentunnel zwischen Bund und Pudong, Kabinenbahn, cabins, colorful, illumination, neon, Kunstlicht, Lichteffekt, video, Installation

Shanghai Gallery of Art, Three on the Bund, designed by Michael Graves, modern architecture, Lichthof, hall, Halle, courtyard, Empore, Galerie. postmodern interior, neoclassical building, atrium

Europe, Germany, Bavaria, near Diessen, Ammersee, small sailing boats at the landing stage in the haze

A worker vacuums oil from behind a containment boom on the Kalamazoo River during the cleanup of a major oil spil in which 800, 000 gallons of oil spilled from an Enbridge Energy Partners pipeline, Battle Creek, Michigan, USA

Workers place containment boom on the Kalamazoo River to contain an oil spill during which 800, 000 gallons of oil spilled from an Enbridge Energy Partners pipeline, Battle Creek, Michigan, USA

A worker vacuums oil from behind a containment boom on the Kalamazoo River during the cleanup of a major oil spil in which 800, 000 gallons of oil spilled from an Enbridge Energy Partners pipeline, Battle Creek, Michigan, USA

Westhafen Tower, designed by Schneider and Schumacher architectural firm, winner of the 2004 German urban architectural prize, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Westhafen Tower designed by Schneider and Schumacher architectural firm, winner of the 2004 German City Architecture Prize, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Westhafen Tower, designed by Schneider and Schumacher architectural firm, winner of the 2004 German urban architectural prize, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Panoramic view of the Westhafen 6 area, luxury condos with private docking facilities along the Main River in Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

High-rise buildings, BahnTower and Kollhoff-Tower from a worm's-eye view, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany, Europe

Bars and tents for the spectators around finish area first run ladies night slalom 12 29 2004 on Semmering in Lower Austria

Newly constructed building, construction boom of new high-rise buildings, high-rise building district on the north bank of the Corniche, Doha, Qatar

Newly constructed building, construction boom of new high-rise buildings, high-rise building district on the north bank of the Corniche, Doha, Qatar

Bear and bull, symbols of the stock market, sculptures, Boersenplatz street, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Bars and tents for the spectators around finish area first run ladies night slalom 12 29 2004 on Semmering in Lower Austria

New constructions, settlement, town houses, building boom, Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Alicante province, Spain, Europe

Building cleaner on a boom lift cleaning the windows of Neuss Courthouse, Lower Rhine, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe

Facade, windows, hotels, skyscrapers, construction boom, Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Alicante province, Spain, Europe

Sea, skyscrapers, construction site, construction boom, Playa de Levante, Levante, beach, Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Alicante province, Spain, Europe

Clean-up crews sucking oil with vacuum tubes and placing absorbent pompom booms. East Grand Terre was involved in a Barrier Island restoration project before the oil spill.