25 results found

Portrait of a Mursi woman with clay lip plate, Mursi Hills, Mago National Park, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, Africa

A male yellow barred jawfish (Opistognathus randalli), broods eggs in its mouth, Anilao, Philippines.

Spotted hyena (spotted hyaena) (Crocuta crocuta) with a baby Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii), Ngorongoro Conservation Area, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Serengeti, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

Black-backed jackal (silver-backed jackal) (Canis mesomelas) carrying half a Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii) calf, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Serengeti, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

Blackbacked jackal (Canis mesomelas) scavenging from dead impala carcass, Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana, Africa

Leopard female (Panthera pardus) carrying cub to new den, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape, South Africa, Africa

An adult Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) with a black-legged kittiwake along the cliffs at Alkefjellet, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

A lioness (Panthera leo) with its four week old cubs, Ndutu, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

A lioness (Panthera leo) moving a young cub by carrying it in her mouth, Masai Mara National Park, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) with springbok calf kill, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape, South Africa, Africa

An Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), carrying sand eels, Staple Island, Farne Islands, Northumberland, northeast England, United Kingdom, Europe

A trio of brown bears (Ursus arctos) fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, United States of America, North America

Leopard female (Panthera pardus) carrying cub to new den, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape, South Africa, Africa

A lioness (Panthera leo) with its four week old cubs, Ndutu, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

An adult brown bear (Ursus arctos) fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, United States of America, North America

A mother and her cub (Ursus arctos) fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, United States of America, North America

An adult brown bear (Ursus arctos) fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, United States of America, North America

A lioness (Panthera leo) brings to the lake shore a fresly hunted impala calf, Serengeti, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

A lioness (Panthera leo) with its four week old cubs, Ndutu, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

Adult black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) with a fish on the water in Storfjord, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Leopard (Panthera pardus) mother carrying her baby in her mouth, Leopard, female, Samburu National Reserve, Kenya, Africa

Leopard (Panthera pardus) mother carrying her baby in her mouth, Leopard, female, Samburu National Reserve, Kenya, Africa

Leopard (Panthera pardus) mother carrying her baby in her mouth, Leopard, female, Samburu National Reserve, Kenya, Africa

German shepherd running on the seashore with a wooden stick in the mouth; Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Quebec, Canada

Beaver Swimming In Water With A Branch In It's Mouth In Early Spring In Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada

Common loon (Gavia immer) feeding a young loon with a crawfish in La Mauricie National Park; Quebec, Canada

Wet dog with a stick in it's mouth walks beside a river on the muddy shore; Ravensworth, North Yorkshire, England

Norther flicker (Colaptes auratus) leaving the nest with wood chips in it's mouth, Forillon National Park; Quebec, Canada

This male Ring-tailed Cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus aureus) is protecting and incubating it's eggs by carrying them in his mouth, Philippines

A leopard, Panthera pardus, walks towards the camera, holding an impala calf carcass in its mouth, Aepyceros melampus, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa

A leopard, Panthera pardus, stands while holding a dead warthog in its mouth, Phacochoerus africanus, blood on its neck, at night lit up by spotlight, Londolozi Game Reserve, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa

A mother leopard, Panthera pardus, carries her cub in her mouth towards the camera, ears back, along game path, Londolozi Game Reserve, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa

A spotted hyena mother, Crocuta crocuta, carries her cub in her mouth by its neck, looking away, cub in the foreground, Londolozi Game Reserve, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa