34 results found

Stained glass depicting St. Vincent de Paul, founder of the Daughters of Charity congregation, at Saint-Honor? d'Eylau church, Paris, Ile de France, France, Europe

New church in a poor area on the hillside around Santa Marta, department of Magdalena, Caribbean Region, Colombia, South America

Orthodox priest taking collection at Piata Romana underground station, General Gheorghe Magheru Boulevard, Bucharest, Romania

Billboard with poster calling for a donation for RUGUTE childhood cancer fund, in front of a mural painting by the Italian artist Millo, on the building opposite Hales Market, Pylimo Street 56, Vilnius, Lithuania, Europe

Traditional robes worn by residents at Britain's oldest charitable institution The Hospital Of St Cross founded in 1100's, Winchester, UK

Tourist admires the Unicef charity fundraising United Buddy Bears in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

A mother carrying her child and queuing for food handouts withother women at Mother Teresa's Mission in Calcutta, India

Women carrying pots with children in early morning food queue at Mother Teresa's Mission Calcutta, India

The poor queuing for food outside Mother Teresa's Mission in Calcutta, India. The women are carrying metal pots in which to carry the food back to their families.

Young girl with arm in plaster bandage sits on a bed in a rural hospital supported by the Save the Children Fund charity in The Gambia, West Africa. A mosquito net hangs above.

Daughter of Charity comforting a handicapped person in a center run by the Daughters of Charity in Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Manneken Pis statue dressed in garb of Brotherhood of Red Elephant, a brewery charity, Brussels, Belgium, Europe

Shoes of the Missionaries of Charity, a congregation founded by Mother Teresa, and Sanpietrini pavingstones, Rome, Lazio, Italy, Europe

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Russian Mi8 helicopter being used by the United Nations, World Food Program to deliver food aid to areas still cut off by the flooding around Makhanga and Bangula.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows solar powered lamps in a refugee camp near Chikwawa.

Nuns give out bread at Romanov Chapel of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, Europe

India. Dancing girls. Mary matha bala bhavan, a girls orphanage run by syro-malabar catholic missionary sisters of mary immaculate (msmi), chamal village, thamarassery diocese, khozikode, kerala. 2007

A WWF project to supply electricity to a remote island in the Sunderbans, a low lying area of the Ganges Delta in Eastern India, that is very vulnerable to sea level rise. Prior to this project the subsistence farmers had no access to electricity. The project involves charging large batteries from solar panels. Each villager collects a battery to run household lighting, and returns to the recharging station once a week to recharge their battery. This shot shows women carrying the heavy batteries (20Kg) from the charging station.

A WWF project to supply electricity to a remote island in the Sunderbans, a low lying area of the Ganges Delta in Eastern India, that is very vulnerable to sea level rise. Prior to this project the subsistence farmers had no access to electricity. The project involves charging large batteries from solar panels. Each villager collects a battery to run household lighting, and returns to the recharging station once a week to recharge their battery. This shot shows women carrying the heavy batteries (20Kg) from the charging station.

India. Nuns and girls at prayer. Mary matha bala bhavan, a girls orphanage run by syro-malabar catholic missionary sisters of mary immaculate (msmi), chamal village, thamarassery diocese, khozikode, kerala. 2007

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedneted floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of alnd, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows a food being ferried across a river near Phalombe after the bridge was washed away.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people for malaria, many of whom proved positive for the disease, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

January 2015 saw a three day period of excessive rain which brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga providing Malaria treatment drugs to local people, many of whom now have malaria, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows displaced people in Baani refugee camp near Phalombe, preparing pumpkin flowers to eat.

January 2015 saw a three day period of excessive rain which brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people, many of whom now have malaria, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Russian Mi8 helicopter being used by the United Nations, World Food Program to deliver food aid to areas still cut off by the flooding, around Bangula and Mkhanga.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedneted floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows displaced people dividing up food aid in a refugee camp near Phalombe.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedneted floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of alnd, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows a displaced women carrying water in the refugee camp of Chiteskesa refugee camp, near Mulanje.

Women constructing solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. The use of the cookers, vastly reduces the amount of fire wood women have to go out and collect from the forest.

Women welding joints during the construction of solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Solar cookers save women having to walk to the froest to cut down wood for cooking, thus saving the forests, and a daily chore for woman.

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

A disabled women making nappies at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

Women building solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

Zambia distribution of american catholic relief services (crs) food aid at a center in mongu, during a time of drought and famine. (2002-3)

India. Sister bincy joseph aruviyil serving, during mealtime at the mary matha bala bhavan, a girls orphanage run by syro-malabar catholic missionary sisters of mary immaculate (msmi), chamal village, thamarassery diocese, khozikode, kerala. 2007

Disabled women swing garments at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

A disabled women sewing at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

Solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. The use of the cookers, vastly reduces the amount of fire wood women have to go out and collect from the forest.

A community theatre at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. The theatre is used to spread educational and health messages out into the local community.

Women welding joints during the construction of solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Solar cookers save women having to walk to the froest to cut down wood for cooking, thus saving the forests, and a daily chore for woman.

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

Women constructing solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. The use of the cookers, vastly reduces the amount of fire wood women have to go out and collect from the forest.

Women welding joints during the construction of solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Solar cookers save women having to walk to the froest to cut down wood for cooking, thus saving the forests, and a daily chore for woman.

Women constructing solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

Women constructing solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India, demonstrate how hot the device is, by holding a sheet of newspaper which instantly sets on fire in the 300 degree Celcius heat. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. The use of the cookers, vastly reduces the amount of fire wood women have to go out and collect from the forest.

Women constructing solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

A Barefoot Dentist, who is trained to perform basic dentistry at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

Women constructing solar cookers at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. The use of the cookers, vastly reduces the amount of fire wood women have to go out and collect from the forest.

A water charity in Porterville supplying bottled water to houses who have had no running water for over five months, near Bakersfield, California, USA. Hoses in the East of Porterville, many of which are on private wells, have run completely out of water as the water table has dropped catastrophically. Following an unprecedented four year long drought, Bakersfield is now the driest city in the USA. Most of California is in exceptional drought, the highest level of drought classification. 428,000 acres of agricultural land have been taken out of production due to lack of water, thousands of agricultural workers have lost their jobs and one third of all children in California go to bed hungry.

A water charity in Porterville supplying bottled water to houses who have had no running water for over five months, near Bakersfield, California, USA. Hoses in the East of Porterville, many of which are on private wells, have run completely out of water as the water table has dropped catastrophically. Following an unprecedented four year long drought, Bakersfield is now the driest city in the USA. Most of California is in exceptional drought, the highest level of drought classification. 428,000 acres of agricultural land have been taken out of production due to lack of water, thousands of agricultural workers have lost their jobs and one third of all children in California go to bed hungry.

A water charity in Porterville supplying bottled water to houses who have had no running water for over five months, near Bakersfield, California, USA. Hoses in the East of Porterville, many of which are on private wells, have run completely out of water as the water table has dropped catastrophically. Following an unprecedented four year long drought, Bakersfield is now the driest city in the USA. Most of California is in exceptional drought, the highest level of drought classification. 428,000 acres of agricultural land have been taken out of production due to lack of water, thousands of agricultural workers have lost their jobs and one third of all children in California go to bed hungry.

A water charity in Porterville supplying bottled water to houses who have had no running water for over five months, near Bakersfield, California, USA. Hoses in the East of Porterville, many of which are on private wells, have run completely out of water as the water table has dropped catastrophically. Following an unprecedented four year long drought, Bakersfield is now the driest city in the USA. Most of California is in exceptional drought, the highest level of drought classification. 428,000 acres of agricultural land have been taken out of production due to lack of water, thousands of agricultural workers have lost their jobs and one third of all children in California go to bed hungry.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows a cook preparing chapatis on a biofuel stove.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows a Hematology Analyzer for analyzing blood in one of the labs in the specialist cancer hospital.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows solar panels that focus the suns rays on heat exchangers to boil oil, which is then sent down to the kitchens below to heat the cookers.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows the solar air conditioning for the Ashram's hospital.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows a Varian nuclear proton therapy machine in the specialist cancer hospital.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows a woman planting trees for onward growth in the Ashrams forests.

The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India, is a tranquil haven of humanitarian care. The Ashram is hugely sustainable, next year it will be completely carbon neutral. Its first solar panels were installed in 1984, long before climate change was on anyones agenda. Their energy is provided from solar panels, and wood grown on the estate. Waste food and animal manure is turned inot biogas to run the estates cars and also used for cooking. Solar cookers are also used, and the air conditioning for the hospital is solar run. 70 % of the food used is grown on the estate. They provide an orphanage, schools for all ages, vocational training, care for the elderly, a specialist cancer hospital withstate of the art machinary, and even have a solar crematorium. This shot shows the girls school.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows displaced children in Baani refugee camp near Phalombe.

A water charity in Porterville supplying bottled water to houses who have had no running water for over five months, near Bakersfield, California, USA. Hoses in the East of Porterville, many of which are on private wells, have run completely out of water as the water table has dropped catastrophically. Following an unprecedented four year long drought, Bakersfield is now the driest city in the USA. Most of California is in exceptional drought, the highest level of drought classification. 428,000 acres of agricultural land have been taken out of production due to lack of water, thousands of agricultural workers have lost their jobs and one third of all children in California go to bed hungry.

India. Girls working in vegetable plot. Mary matha bala bhavan, a girls orphanage run by syro-malabar catholic missionary sisters of mary immaculate (msmi), chamal village, thamarassery diocese, khozikode, kerala. 2007

Solar panelsproviding electricity at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows a specialist truck that takes water straight from the river and purifies it to drinking standards, which is then used in the many flood refugee camps in the Shire valley.

Russia - soup kitchen run by mother teresas sisters of charity for the poor and elderly, yuzhno sakhalinsk, sakhalin island, russian far east

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

Women on a solar workshop, learning how to make solar lanters at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people. Many of the women are iliterate or semi literate. They are trained from countries all over the world, so that they can take their skills back and cascade the learning.

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedneted floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of alnd, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows a mother and child in Chiteskesa refugee camp, near Mulanje.

Russia - soup kitchen run by mother teresas sisters of charity for the poor and elderly, yuzhno sakhalinsk, sakhalin island, russian far east

India. Mealtime at the mary matha bala bhavan, a girls orphanage run by syro-malabar catholic missionary sisters of mary immaculate (msmi), chamal village, thamarassery diocese, khozikode, kerala. 2007

Disability, ethiopia. Urban development project of the daughters of charity, kabille 18, addis ababa. The project helps poor people with disabilities and health problems. Father and son at the center

Russia - soup kitchen run by mother teresas sisters of charity for the poor and elderly, yuzhno sakhalinsk, sakhalin island, russian far east