Results 3 results found View from Torre Guinigi tower showing L to R Palazzo Ducale, Chiesa di San Cristoforo, Chiesa di San Michele, Torre Del Ore, Lucca, Italy Chiesa di San Michele in Foro, Romano-Pisan style dating from between the 11th and 14th centuries, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, Europe Chiesa di San Michele in Foro, Romano-Pisan style dating from between the 11th and 14th centuries, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, Europe Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo, Church of the Archangel Michael, Scigli, Baroque Town, Baroque Corner, Southeast, Sicily, Italy, Europe Chiesa di San Michele, Alpe di Siusi, altipiano dello Sciliar, Alto Adige, Italy View of cafe beside Chiesa di San Michele in Foro in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy