27 results found

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Buganda, Ruhagurika Primary School boys playing marbles during their playtime outside Ruhagurika Catch-Up Class. Catch up classes were established by Concern Worldwide across a number of schools in Cibitoke to provide a second chance for children who had dropped out.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Buganda, Market stall selling vegetables beside the road. Francine a 9 year old girl with special needs unable to attend school which is 4 miles a away.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Buganda, Ruhagurika Primary School girls dancing during their playtime outside Catch-Up Class in Buganda Commune. Catch up classes were established by Concern Worldwide across a number of schools to provide a second chance for children who had dropped out.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Mabayi, Primary School Girls playing hopscotch beside the Catch-up Class for children who have dropped out of school. Concern Worldwide has supported the establishment of a number of classes.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Cibitoke, Fisherman in dug out canoes on a small lake just north of Cibitoke town.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Kirundo, Burundi Kirundo A family beside the road living in poverty child with obvious worms.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Kirundo, A family beside the road living in poverty child with obvious worms.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Buganda, Ruhagurika Primary Students lining up ready to go into their Catch-Up Class. Catch up classes were established by Concern Worldwide across a number of schools in Cibitoke to provide a second chance for children who had previously dropped out of school.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Buganda, Ruhagurika Primary Students in their Catch-Up Class. Catch up classes were established by Concern Worldwide across a number of schools in Cibitoke to provide a second chance for children who had previously dropped out of school.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Buganda, Ndava Village Sign board beside the main road in Buganda Commune with HIV AIDS SIDA message.

Burundi, Cibitoke Province, Kirundo, A family beside the road living in poverty child with obvious worms.