12 results found

Hindus bathing in the early morning in the holy river Ganges (Ganga) along Dasswamedh Ghat, Varanasi (Benares), Uttar Pradesh state, India, Asia

Hindus bathing in the early morning in the holy river Ganges (Ganga) along Dasaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi (Benares), Uttar Pradesh state, India, Asia

Hindu pilgrims bathing in the early morning in the holy river Ganges (Ganga) along Dasaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi (Benares), Uttar Pradesh state, India, Asia

Feet fulling of cloth in the dyeing process, Kidang Mas Batik House, Lasem, Java island, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Washing line of colourful laundry in Old Town Buzet, hilltop village, Buzet, Istria, Croatia, Europe

Chanwar Palki Walon-Ki Haveli (mansion), 400 years old, restored to its original state, Anokhi Museum, Amber, near Jaipur, Rajasthan state, India, Asia

Tanzanian girl taking pleasure at the abundant supply of fresh, safe drinking water which now runs to her house thanks to a development project of caritas tanzania, funded by caritas australia. Mvango village, same, in the north-east near kilimanjaro

Window washing clothes on the street, facing the room where resides, Vrindavan, Mathura district, India

outdoor bathroom in a courtyard of a new Kung Fu school, washing hair, face, cleaning teeth, near Shaolin, Song Shan, Henan province, China, Asia

Empty beer bottles after cleaning, on a conveyor belt, Binding brewery, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Empty beer bottles after cleaning, on a conveyor belt, Binding brewery, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Three ulu knives stored behind a board in a smoke house used for filleting and stripping subsistence salmon, Bristol bay alaska united states of america