3 results found

Copper mining headquarters in the former French mining town of Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America

Arab using two-way radio to communicate during parade of armed forces in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Blonde young mature woman in pyjamas at home in breakfast time looking his mobile and eating a toast.

A female Chinese tourist stands among a row of columns with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic details at the Philae Temple, Aswan, Egypt, Africa

Two Sisters Having Fun Outdoors And Singing Together In A City Park While Listening To Music On An Mp-3 Player, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Friends taking a selfie onboard a catamaran boat tour through Abel Tasman National Park with a man smiling in the background; Tasman, New Zealand

Travelers entering an ice tunnel while exploring the famous Franz Josef Glacier with its, blue ice caves, deep crevasses and tunnels that mark the ever changing ice formations; West Coast, New Zealand

A young Millennial couple looking at a smart phone on Lanakai Beach with the Mokes Islands in the background; Lanakai, Oahu, Hawaii, USA

Two Sisters Having Fun Outdoors In A City Park In Autumn And Taking A Selfie, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Two Sisters Having Fun Outdoors In A City Park In Autumn And Taking Selfies Of Themselves, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Urban Lifestyle. A group of people, men and women on a city bus, in New York city. A couple side by side looking at a digital tablet, New York city, USA

A woman dressed in the traditional geisha style, wearing a kimono and obi, with an elaborate hairstyle and floral hair clips, with white face makeup with bright red lips and dark eyes taking a selfie of herself, Japan

People outdoors in the city in spring time. New York City park. A young woman holding out a phone to take a photograph of herself and a companion, New York City, USA

City life in spring. Young people outdoors in a city park. A couple taking a self portrait or selfy with a smart phone, New York city, USA

New York city. The Brooklyn Bridge crossing over the East River. A couple taking a picture with a phone, a selfy of themselves, New York city, USA

Urban lifestyle. Two young men using their phones to take images of the city from an observation platform overlooking the Empire State Building, New York city, USA

City life in spring. Young people outdoors in a city park. A man checking his cell phone. Four people under a tree in blossom, New York city, USA

Two people, a couple standing close together taking a selfy outside the historic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, France

New York city. The Brooklyn Bridge crossing over the East River. A couple taking a picture with a phone, a selfy of themselves, New York city, USA

New York City. An observation deck overlooking the Empire State Building. A woman using her smart phone to take a photograph of herself and the view over the city, New York city, USA

City life in spring. Young people outdoors in a city park. A young woman and man sitting side by side looking down at a smart phone, New York city, USA

A man and woman in a brightly lit space, a casino entrance, taking a selfy with a smart phone, United States of America

Summer in the city. Businesspeople outdoors, on the go. Two men sitting on a bench, using a smart phone.

Business people in the city. Keeping in touch on the move. A man seated using his smart phone. A man in the background, New York City, USA

A couple, man and woman on a city street taking a selfy with a smart phone, United States of America

Summer in the city. Businesspeople outdoors, on the go. A couple sitting on a bench, taking a selfy photograph.

People outdoors in the city in spring time. New York City park. Two women in a group of friends, looking at a cell phone and smiling, New York city, USA

New York city, the Brooklyn Bridge crossing over the East River. Three women in a row, smiling, as one takes a picture with a smart phone, New York city, USA

A man holding a smart phone taking a selfy of himself and his girlfriend in front of Notre Dame cathedral, France

City life. People on the move. Two people, a man and woman outdoors, side by side posing for a photograph using his smart phone.

City life. Two women sitting on a park bench, side by side. Posing for a photograph with a smart phone.

A technician goes into a raised square building on an orange metal structure. An Italian technician specialising in radio and telecommunications goes into the shelter that houses the VSAT antenna, the device that connects the station to the Internet by satellite. This is the station's only link with the outside world. Most of the buildings are elevated to prevent the formation of snowdrifts caused by wind-blown snow. Concordia Antarctic Research Station, Dome C plateau, East Antarctica.