8 results found

Colorful soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.) adorn the stunning reefs of southern Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

A beautiful soft coral colony, Dendronephthya sp., grows amid the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

A colorful soft coral adorns a giant clam, Tridacna sp., growing on a healthy reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

A vibrant soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., grows amid the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

Soft coral ghost goby (Pleurosicya boldinghi) on soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Gato Island, Cebu, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.) growing on mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora sp.) Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.) growing on shallow coral reef. Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Soft coral colony (Dendronephthya sp.) and Golden sweeper fish (Parapriacanthus ransonneti) Komodo, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Soft Coral Dendronephthya sp close up and Ghost Goby Pleurosicya micheli. Gili Islands, Lombok, Indonesia

Soft corals (Sarcophytum sp. and Dendronephthya sp.) and main gun of the Fujikawa Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Red soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.) and sponges encrusted on the Fujikawa Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., growing on the pilings of a pier, Arborek Island, Dendronephthya sp., Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean

Spider crab, Chirostylus sp., on soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines.

Estuarine halfbeak, Zenarchopterus dispar, reflecting on the surface, Blue Water Mangroves, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean

Soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., and schooling bigeye snappers, Lutjanus lutjanus, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean

Backlit soft coral, Dendronephthya sp., Lembeh Strait, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean

Diver viewing a female Broadclub cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus) pushing an egg into the finger coral where it will hatch in four to six weeks, Philippines

Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.

Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp) and whip coral;Junceella sp). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.