19 results found

Front view of details of Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), a bird that features prominently in Indigenous Australian mythology, Northern Territory, Australia, Pacific

Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), cultural icon of Australia, the bird features prominently in Indigenous Australian mythology, Northern Territory, Australia, Pacific

Adult emu (Dramaius novaehollandiae), in the bush at Cape Range National Park, Western Australia, Australia, Pacific

Aboriginal charcoal paintings at Yourambulla Rock Shelter, near Hawker, including emu and kangaroo tracks, South Australia, Australia, Pacific

Aboriginal charcoal paintings at Yourambulla Rock Shelter, near Hawker, including emu and kangaroo tracks, South Australia, Australia, Pacific

The Dark Emu of aboriginal sky lore rising out of the Tasman Sea, from the south cost of Victoria, Australia. From Cape Conran on the Gippsland Coast. Carina is just above centre, Crux, the Southern Cross is at centre, and Centaurus is below Crux. The False Cross is at top.

The Dark Emu of aboriginal sky lore rising in a moonlit sky over the Tasman Sea from a beach near Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia, April 2, 2017. Lights from fishing boats dot the horizon out at sea. Illumination is from the waxing crescent Moon behind the camera to the north. This is looking southeast. Crux, the Southern Cross, is at top; the Pointer Stars are below.

European Central Bank, ECB, at dusk in front of the illuminated skyline, roundabout at the Osthafen bridge, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, Europe

European Central Bank, ECB in front of the illuminated skyline, Osthafenbrucke, dusk, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Australian landmark with kangaroo and emu on the new Parliament House in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae). The Emu is quite common in Australia and is also farmed commercially for meat leather and oil. Even if the Emu is similar in shape and behaviour it is only a distant relative to the African Ostrich. the emu is the biggest bird in Australia and is of mythological importance to the Aboriginies of Ausralia too. Australia, Victoria

Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae). The Emu is quite common in Australia and is also farmed commercially for meat leather and oil. Even if the Emu is similar in shape and behaviour it is only a distant relative to the African Ostrich. the emu is the biggest bird in Australia and is of mythological importance to the Aboriginies of Ausralia too. Australia, Victoria