45 results found

Detail of the exterior of the gilt shrine showing the queen helping the king in a ritual hunting scene, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), United States of America, North America

Village man tilling red soil with hand made hoe, wife helping, cows in the distance, Koraput district, Orissa (Odisha), India, Asia

Man ploughing rice paddy with pair of bullocks, ready for planting new crop of rice, family helping, Tamil Nadu, India, Asia

Myanmar (burma) monks helping themselves to rice from a big pot at a monastery in katha, upper irrawady, where george orwells burmese days was set

Firemen pump water out of flooded home in Naunton, The Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom

Rickshaws pass as poor people queue for food in the early morning at Mother Teresa's Mission in Calcutta, India.

A mother carrying her child and queuing for food handouts withother women at Mother Teresa's Mission in Calcutta, India

Women carrying pots with children in early morning food queue at Mother Teresa's Mission Calcutta, India

Vietnam yen mo tu commune primary school, ninh binh province. this is one of several schools in this region of northern vietnam where crs in cooperation with the local education authorities has implemented inclusive education practices, whereby children with mental or physical disabilities are integrated into the normal primary schools. crs provides special training for the teachers to help them. the image shows 13-year-old pham thi bich ngoc (in pink jacket) who suffers from cerebral palsy and is intergrated into a class of 11-year-olds. her teacher nguyen thi mund is seen here helping her with an alphabet exercise

Burundi nduwamahoro, active non,violence peace building project, supported by sciaf. In the home of grandmother ntezahorigwa pelagie, 60. The family preparing food: taking beans from their pods, cleaning peas and peeling cassava, their staple diet.

Indonesia a kindergarten in banda aceh which lost many of children to tsunami, been rebuilt. schools director halimah anwar bustam (seen here in foreground) describes horrors suffered: area kids came from completely flattened by waves. On that fateful sunday children were in their homes, or many were already on beach having. So many died that morning. It devastating. Only we getting things back together, very grateful to helping with reconstruction of damaged building. staff give up a portion of their (already) salaries to sponsor poor children from outlying villages to come to school. structure includes offices staff, a library, prayer room wheelchair accessible classroom.__ Photograph taken in banda aceh, -december 2006, 2 years after tsunami of december 26th 2004 devasted much of coastal region. Taken to illustrate reconstruction work projects of (catholic relief services) of sponsored photo tour

Vietnam yen mo tu commune primary school, ninh binh province. this is one of several schools in this region of northern vietnam where crs in cooperation with the local education authorities has implemented inclusive education practices, whereby children with mental or physical disabilities are integrated into the normal primary schools. crs provides special training for the teachers to help them. the image shows 13-year-old pham thi bich ngoc (in pink jacket) who suffers from cerebral palsy and is intergrated into a class of 11-year-olds. her teacher nguyen thi mund is seen here helping her with an alphabet exercise

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - A brotherhood member manages a smoke while helping to carry a float in procession on Palm Sunday

Vietnam yen mo tu commune primary school, ninh binh province. this is one of several schools in this region of northern vietnam where crs in cooperation with the local education authorities has implemented inclusive education practices, whereby children with mental or physical disabilities are integrated into the normal primary schools. crs provides special training for the teachers to help them. the image shows 13-year-old pham thi bich ngoc (in pink jacket) who suffers from cerebral palsy and is intergrated into a class of 11-year-olds. her teacher nguyen thi mund is seen here helping her with an alphabet exercise

A motorist stuck in flood waters on the road at Storth on the Kent Estuary in Cumbria, UK, during the January 2014 storm surge and high tides, is pushed out by two helpers.

Some religious people reach Brahmayani temple measuring their body length. To do so, a person prostrates on the ground and extends his clasped hands above his head. An assistant puts a few grains of rice at the end of the clasped hands as a marking point. Then, the man steps to this marking point and then prostrates again. Bhaktapur, Nepal

Burundi nduwamahoro, active non,violence peace building project, supported by sciaf. In the home of grandmother ntezahorigwa pelagie, 60. The family preparing food: taking beans from their pods, cleaning peas and peeling cassava, their staple diet.

Burundi nduwamahoro, active non,violence peace building project, supported by sciaf. In the home of grandmother ntezahorigwa pelagie, 60. The family preparing food: taking beans from their pods, cleaning peas and peeling cassava, their staple diet.

Razil landless peasant at a meeting about land occupations, belo horizonte land occupation in pernambuco. 100 families of landless people occupied a piece of unused land owned by a suagr baron, with the encouragement of cpt, pastoral land commission, which was helping them get legal titles to that land

Brazil landless peasant at a meeting about land occupations, belo horizonte land occupation in pernambuco. 100 families of landless people occupied a piece of unused land owned by a suagr baron, with the encouragement of cpt, pastoral land commission, which was helping them get legal titles to that land

Members of the Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team rescue a man fallen through ice on Rydal Water in the Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings being rescued from damaged nest with floods expected. Bird Island, Seychelles, Indian Ocean (RR)

An instructor takes a young child for a lesson on the bouldering section of a climbing wall in Ambleside, Lake District, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Seal rescue. Rescuers administer first aid to young common seal pup (Phoca vitulina). Hebrides, Scotland

Tourist on Bird Island working with resident warden to rescue Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings from damaged nests. Seychelles, Indian Ocean (RR)

Disentangling juvenile gannet (Sula sula). Marine debris, possibly discarded fishing gear, made it impossible for this gannet to feed. Crew and clients on whale-watch boat come to its aid. Gannet released successfully. Hebrides, Scotland

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings being rescued from a damaged nest. Bird Island, Seychelles, Indian Ocean (RR)

Disentangling juvenile gannet (Sula sula). Marine debris, possibly discarded fishing gear, made it impossible for this gannet to feed. Crew and clients on whale-watch boat come to its aid. Gannet released successfully. Hebrides, Scotland

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings being rescued from a damaged nest. Bird Island, Seychelles, Indian Ocean (RR)