59 results found

Boat from colonial times in Grand Bassam, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ivory Coast, West Africa, Africa

Visitors, Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, a Roman Catholic minor Basilica in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, West Africa, Africa

Rundown colonial house in Grand Bassam, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ivory Coast, West Africa, Africa

Yacouba woman aged 18, with face covered with tree resin and red pepper to ease toothache, wearing ivory necklace, holding child, Man region, Ivory Coast, West Africa, Africa

Pilgrims praying and joining hands at Our Lady of Africa Catholic sanctuary, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, West Africa, Africa

Swahili man blowing the ivory Pate Siwa, a horn carved from an elephant tusk (ivory). On a rooftop in Lamu town on Lamu, an island in the Indian Ocean off the northern coast of Kenya

IVORY COAST Abidjan Cityscape with multi-lane traffic and modern exterior of St Paul s Cathedral C?te d Ivoire Cath?drale St-Paul

IVORY COAST Industry Logging Timber induLoading felled timber in cleared area of forest. C?te d Ivoire deforestation

IVORY COAST San P?dro Timber industry. Saw mill interior and workers with felled tree and sawdust covered floor. C?te d Ivoire deforestation