1 results found

Farmers remove grains of rice using a manually powered threshing machine in Paro District, Bhutan, Asia

Comet Holmes, 17P, taken Nov 1, 2007 on excellent night. Taken with A&M 105mm apo refractor at f/5 with Borg 0.85x compressor/field flattener on SkyWatcher HEQ5 mount. Canon 20Da camera at ISO400. Composite of 4 min, 2min, 1min, 30sec, 15sec, and 7 sec exposures, each exposure being a stack of 3 to 4 identical exposures. Registered and stacked in Photoshop (HDR mode did not produce usable result, so manually composited with sucessively smaller masks to reveal short exposure content around nucleus. Contrast exaggerated with Curves to bring out very faint tail structure. North up, so tail to the S and SW.Nucleus is dot at upper left of inner coma, other star in inner coma at right is a field star

Elderly man in a dugout canoe beside a large fishing boat. Sulima is a fishing village on the Alantic coast at the mouth of the Moa River near the Liberian border. Along its pristine beach, one of the longest in West Africa, fishermen launch dugout canoes and fish with nets drag back manually from the shore. Larger power boats mainly from Ghana leave from the more sheltered harbour on the Moa River. Most of the fish is smoke dried by the women of the village and then sold in markets as far off as Monrovia, Liberia.

Young boys looking out over the town's port. Sulima is a fishing village on the Alantic coast at the mouth of the Moa River near the Liberian border. Along its pristine beach, one of the longest in West Africa, fishermen launch dugout canoes and fish with nets drag back manually from the shore. Larger power boats mainly from Ghana leave from the more sheltered harbour on the Moa River. Most of the fish is smoke dried by the women of the village and then sold in markets as far off as Monrovia, Liberia.

Group of young men pulling a fishing boat out of the ocean. Sulima is a fishing village on the Alantic coast at the mouth of the Moa River near the Liberian border. Along its pristine beach, one of the longest in West Africa, fishermen launch dugout canoes and fish with nets drag back manually from the shore. Larger power boats mainly from Ghana leave from the more sheltered harbour on the Moa River. Most of the fish is smoke dried by the women of the village and then sold in markets as far off as Monrovia, Liberia.

Elderly woman making a funny face. Sulima is a fishing village on the Alantic coast at the mouth of the Moa River near the Liberian border. Along its pristine beach, one of the longest in West Africa, fishermen launch dugout canoes and fish with nets drag back manually from the shore. Larger power boats mainly from Ghana leave from the more sheltered harbour on the Moa River. Most of the fish is smoke dried by the women of the village and then sold in markets as far off as Monrovia, Liberia.