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2552 results found

Person wearing masked carnival costume, St. Mark's Square and Campanile behind, Venice Carnival, Venice, Veneto, Italy

Carnival model in red cape and gold mask peering from columns in St. Mark's Square, Venice, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Veneto, Italy, Europe

Commuters rushing across St. Mark's Square at sunrise after alighting from ferry with San Giorgio Maggiore in background. Venice, Veneto, Italy, Europe

Crocus flowering in spring in Hyde Park, bus on Park Lane in the background, London, England, UK, Europe

Oak tree over the Semois River, Semois Valley, Belgian Ardennes, Luxembourg province, Wallonia region, Belgium, Europe

Water crowfoot (Ranunculus fluitans), The Semois River, Semois Valley, Belgian Ardennes, Wallonia region, Belgium, Europe

Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) juvenile, standing on a fallen branch, Rotter-meren, The Netherlands (Holland), Europe

Silhouette of dive boat with scuba divers at dive ladders, underwater view, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Leopard torpedo ray (Electric ray) (Torpedo panthera), underside view, back-lit by the sun, Ras Mohammed National Park, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Underwater view of a coral encrusted lobster pot on sandy ocean floor, Ras Mohammed National Park, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Small school of Blotcheye soldierfish (White edged soldier fish) (Myripristis murdjan), Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Small school of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in shallow water, Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Red Sea Anemone fish (Amphiprion bicinctus) and Bubble anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor), Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Leopard torpedo ray (Electric ray) (Torpedo panthera), underside view, back-lit by the sun, Ras Mohammed National Park, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Bluespotted stingray (Taeniura lymma), front side view, Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatis narinari) juvenile over sandy ocean floor, from above, Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Scuba diver and instructor performing skills next to coral, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Female scuba diver swimming underneath moored up dive boats, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Common lionfish (Pterois miles) from below, back-lit by the sun, Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Tropical coral reef scene with a leafy cup coral (salad coral) (Turbinaria reniformi), Ras Mohammed National Park, off Sharm el Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) resting on sea grass with on-looking scuba divers, Naama Bay, Ras Mohammed National Park, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Silhouette of moored dive boats with scuba diver swimming underneath, underwater view, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Red Sea anemonefish pair (Amphiprion bicinctus) and Bubble anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor), Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Fresh Spring snow at dawn highlight ripples and marks in the sand beneath Bamburgh Castle, Bamburgh, Northumberland, England

Drummers inside The Drum Tower, a later Ming dynasty version originally built in 1273 marking the centre of the old Mongol capital, Beijing, China, Asia

The Bargate marking the entrance to the Medieval city of Southampton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Viaduct over the River Nidd at Knaresborough, in autumn, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Thornwick Bay at sunset, Flamborough Head, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Thornwick Bay at sunset, Flamborough Head, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Manhattan financial district skyline as seen from Jersey City, New York, United States of America, North America

Aerial view of Mount Sabyinyo, an extinct volcano and oldest of the Virunga Mountains, the summit at 3645ï¾ metres marks the intersection of the borders of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, and Uganda, Virunga Volcanoes, Africa

Field Barn above Wath in Nidderdale, Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Waterfall in Hull Pot Beck, Horton in Ribblesdale, Yorkshire Dales, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Hull Pot and Pen Y Ghent Horton in Ribblesdale, Yorkshire Dales, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Waterfall in Hull Pot Beck, Horton in Ribblesdale, Yorkshire Dales, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

St. Andrews from St. Rules Tower at St. Andrews Cathedral, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

St. Andrews Castle and West Sands from St. Rules Tower at St. Andrews Cathedral, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

St. Salvators College from St. Rules Tower at St. Andrews Cathedral, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Rooftops above Via Colombo in Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Liguria, Italy, Europe

Boats at the Harbour in Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Liguria, Italy, Europe