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French Polynesia, Windward Islands, Tahiti, Ea Haere Ia Oe Painting By Paul Gauguin In 1895 Now In Hermitage Museum St Petersburg

Kalchakra initiation. holiness 14th dalai lama conferring giving kalachakra initiation in bodgaya, india. Because of profundity, kalachakra initiation be bestowed only by most realized of tibets lamas. Rays of light at heart of lama-inseparable from kalachakra-draw in. Entering mouth pass through center of body, through vajra path enter mothers lotus, melting into a luminous drop which dissolves into emptiness. From within emptiness arises a jewel from which arise as a deity embraced by consort mamaki. -instructions visualization in kalachakra tantra

Dakini painting. Without a consort, a partner of skillful means, there is no that experience mysteries of tantra. -padmasambhava to yeshe tsogya

Purchang (cremation palace) of h.h. Dilgo khyenste. Bhutan. H.h. Dilgo khyentse rinpoche (1910-1991), tutor to present dalai lama revered as of greatest exponents of dzogchen- teachings of great perfection. Khyentse rinpoche®s purchang (cremation palace), satsam chorten, below paro takstang, bhutan, november 4, 1992 never forget swiftly this life will be over, like a flash of summer lightning or wave of a hand. that have opportunity to practice dharma, do waste a single moment on anything else, practice with your energy.oe h.h. Dilgo khyenste rinpoche, heart treasure of enlightened ones my delight in death is, greater than delight of traders at making vast fortunes at, or of lords of gods vaunt their victory in battle or of those sages have entered rapture of perfect meditative absorbtion. So just as a traveler sets on road when time come to go, i will remain in this world no longer, will dwell in stronghold of great bliss of deathlessness. -longchenpa, fourteenth- century dzogchen master

Bodhgaya, kalachakra, india. holiness 14th dalai lama conferring giving kalachakra initiation in sarnath, india. Because of profundity, kalachakra initiation be bestowed only by most realized of tibets lamas. Rays of lightÀÜat heart of lama-inseparable from kalachakra-draw in. Entering mouth pass through center of body, through vajra path enter mothers lotus, melting into a luminous drop which dissolves into emptiness. From within emptiness arises a jewel from which arise as a deity embraced by consort mamaki.

Darjeeling school children. School children at tibetan childrens village, darjeeling, india. A tibetan doesnt know tibetan language is like a bird with only wing

Vultures, drigung. bodies what we most attached to, says of monks. Thats offering ones body carries greatest merit. believe that should benefit other beings at every stage of ones life. After completion of powa ceremony, corpse is traditionally offered to great vultures lammergeiers that frequent charnel grounds. Vultures descend on flayed corpse. Offering bodies to birds is same as reciting mantras. It brings merit benefit to dead person as well as to family friends bring here. While cutting up corpse i to keep a pure compassionate mind. would feel if someone felt cutting up your body. -tomdenla. Tibet