19 results found

Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza, Old City, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza, with people praying at the Wailing Wall, Old City, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza with people praying at the Wailing Wall, Old City, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza and Dome of the Rock above, Old City, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Spice Market, Souk, Mellah (Old Jewish Quarter), Marrakesh (Marrakech), Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Spice Market, Souk, Mellah (Old Jewish Quarter), Marrakesh (Marrakech), Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Spice Market, Souk, Mellah (Old Jewish Quarter), Marrakesh (Marrakech), Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Spice Market, Souk, Mellah (Old Jewish Quarter), Marrakesh (Marrakech), Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza with people praying at the Wailing Wall, Old City, UNESCO World Heritge Site, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Spice Market, Souk, Mellah (Old Jewish Quarter), Marrakesh (Marrakech), Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Men praying at the Wailing Wall, Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Jewish Quarter of the Western Wall Plaza, with people praying at the Wailing Wall, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Close-up of street sign in three languages, Hebrew, Arabic and English, in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Spices for sale in spices souk, The Mellah (old Jewish quarter), Marrakech, Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, public reading from the Books of the Prophets, Haftarah, underground part of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvar, Jewish coming of age ritual, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvar, Jewish coming of age ritual, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, decorated Torah scroll on table with young man celebrating his Bar Mitzvah, Haftarah, underground part of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, public reading from the Books of the Prophets, Haftarah, underground part of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Praying Jew in the underground part of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, public reading from the Books of the Prophets, Haftarah, underground part of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah celebration at the Western or Wailing Wall in the direction of the Jewish Quarter, boy is carrying the Torah scroll with the help of his father, Muslim Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, Torah scroll is taken back to the cabinet, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, public reading from the Books of the Prophets, Haftarah, underground part of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, men holding up Torah scroll, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvar, Jewish coming of age ritual, public reading from the books of the Prophets, Haftarah, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Israel, Middle East

Bar Mitzvah, Jewish coming of age ritual, Western Wall or Wailing Wall, Old City of Jerusalem, Arab Quarter, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Bazaar alley between the Arab quarter, at front, and the Jewish quarter, at back, old city, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Gravestones in the old Jewish cemetery in the Josefstadt, or Josefov quarter of Prague, Czech Republic, Europe

Gravestones in the old Jewish cemetery in the Josefstadt, or Josefov quarter of Prague, Czech Republic, Europe