48 results found

Coastal landscape, Cabo de Gata natural park, looking east towards San Jose, Almeria, Andalusia, Spain, Europe

Temple doors, Thian Hock Keng Temple, the oldest and most important Hokkien temple in Singapore, known as the Temple of the Goddess of the Sea, Singapore

Adult polar bear (Ursus maritimus) swimming in open water, Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada, North America

Dusk view across open water towards Taransay and North Harris from the rocky shore at Borve, Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Dusk view across open water towards Taransay and North Harris from the rocky shore at Borve, Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Adult polar bear (Ursus maritimus) leaping across open lead in first year sea ice in Olga Strait, near Edgeoya, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Alila Jabal Akhdar hotel, nestled 2000 metres above sea level, surrounded by Al Hajar Mountains, Sultanate of Oman, Arabian Peninsula

Open air restaurant of luxury resort on a palm fringed beach, Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Boats anchored in the open sea in front of Positano village seen from above, Amalfi coast, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Salerno province, Campania region, Tyrrhenian sea, south of Italy, Italy

Guadalupe fur seals (Arctocephalus townsendi), at new haul out on Las Animas Island, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America

Adult elegant tern (Thalasseus elegans), looking for fish on Isla Carmen, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America

Yellow-footed gull (Larus livens), on its nest on Isla Coronado, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America

Female Costa's hummingbird (Calypte costae), in Bahia Concepcion, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America

View of Kavala from ferry, Dimos Kavalas, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Gulf of Thasos, Gulf of Kavala, Thracian Sea, Greece, Europe

Adult brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis), taking flight on a small islet near Isla Salsipuedes, Baja California, Mexico, North America

Natural stone arch and open grotto framed by turquoise sea, Otranto, Lecce province, Salento, Apulia, Italy, Europe

An adult zebra lionfish (Dendrochirus zebra), out over open sand off Bangka Island, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

Man with open arms rejoices looking to the fjords, Funningur, Eysturoy island, Faroe Islands, Denmark, Europe

An adult thousand-spot grubfish (Parapercis millepunctatus), out over open sand off Bangka Island, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

Aerial view of the open grotto known as Grotta Sfondata on cliffs along the coastline, Otranto, Lecce, Salento, Apulia, Italy, Europe

View from Castello Brown Castle to Chiesa San Giorgio church, Portofino, Riviera di Levante, Province of Genoa, Liguria, Italy, Europe

Man on cliffs with open arms admiring Gasadalur waterfall, Vagar island, Faroe Islands, Denmark, Europe

View from Aksla hill over Alesund harbour and out to the open sea, More og Romsdal, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

View from Aksla hill over the Art Nouveau buildings of Alesund and out to the open sea, More og Romsdal, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Two scuba divers, giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus) with open mouth, and coral reef, Ras Mohammed National Park, Red Sea, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

A young Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) lying open-mouthed amongst the seaweed on the shores of Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands, South Atlantic.

One of the UK's most famous theatres, the cliffside, open-air Minack Theatre, at Porthcurno, near Penzance, in west Cornwall, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Open air fish restaurants and stalls by the sea to grill fresh fish, Essaouira, Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Traditional design open ferry boat with passengers in the port of this provincial capital in Sulawesi's far north. Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Hungry California harbour seal (Zalophus californianus) with mouth wide open, Sea Life Park, Oahu Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Orange cup coral (Tubastrea faulkneri), open polyps at night, West Escarceo, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Freckled driftfish (Psenes cyanophrys) next to drifting net in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) open water view clearly showing markings and underside of jellyfish, St Abbs, Scotland, UK North Sea

Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) at the surface to breath with blow hole open. Characteristic white bands on the flipper visible thorugh the water. Hebrides, Scotland (1 of 2 images).

Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) at the surface to breath with blow hole open. Characteristic white bands on the flipper visible thorugh the water. Hebrides, Scotlan

Basking shark feeding at surface in tide line with mouth open (Cetorhinus maximus) Hebrides, Scotland (RR)

This new born calf with its mother graceful glide together as the mother protects her calf and the calf learns essential behaviour to survive the open ocean. taken in Vava'u Tonga South Pacific

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between EdgeØya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Freckled driftfish (Psenes cyanophrys) next to drifting net in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Two adult male Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) swimming in open water in Hudson Bay to avoid the summer heat and insects near boat outside Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.

Freckled driftfish (Psenes cyanophrys) next to drifting net in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Young Galapagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) on Isabela Island in the Galapagos Island Group, Ecuador. This pinniped is endemic to the Galapagos Islands only. Pacific Ocean.

Black jacks (Caranx lugubris), blue runners (Carangoides crysos) and chubs (Kyphosus sectatrix), schooling in open water. St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Freckled driftfish (Psenes cyanophrys) next to drifting net in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeîya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Black jacks (Caranx lugubris) schooling in open water, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) with vapour from recent blow. Large splash guard visible around open blow holes Monterey, USA

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edge¯ya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeîya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Freckled driftfish (Psenes cyanophrys) next to drifting net in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Yellow Sweeper (Parapriacanthus ransonneti) Live by day in dense groups and moving into open water to feed on plankton at night.Red Sea.

Split image of 21 ft catamaran in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Green coral (Tubastrea micrantha), detail of open polyps at night, West Escarceo, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeøya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeøya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeøya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) surfacing with open blow holes visible. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between EdgeØya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Flat calm conditions in Crystal Sound, south of the Antarctic Circle, Antarctica, Southern Ocean. MORE INFO This area is full of flat first year sea ice, well developed icebergs, with many open leads.

Blue runners (Carangoides crysos) schooling in open water, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeøya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between EdgeØya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) fluking whilst being monitored by the "Greek Sperm Whale Research Program". The Mediterranean population is considered Endangered. SW Cretan Sea, Greece.

Blue runners (Carangoides crysos) schooling in open water, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between EdgeØya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Yellow Sweeper (Parapriacanthus ransonneti). Live by day in dense groups and moving into open water to feed on plankton at night.Red Sea.

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) swimming in open ocean, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeîya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Open leads surrounded by multi-year ice floes in the Barents Sea between Edgeøya (Edge Island) and Kong Karls Land in the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway.

Black jacks (Caranx lugubris) and blue runners (Carangoides crysos), schooling in open water. St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Freckled driftfish (Psenes cyanophrys) next to drifting net in open ocean, Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific

Black jacks (Caranx lugubris) schooling in open water, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America