5 results found

A pair of common woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha), mock fighting on the Yarapa River, Nauta, Peru, South America

Geoffroys marmoset. Callithrix geoffroyi. captive adults. Newquay zoo Cornwall UK. More info: status: least concern but numbers declining due to habitat destruction, pet trade, zoos, biomedical research and persecution.

Captive Red Titi Callicebus discolor adult and baby in La Vallee Des singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status. Least concern

Captive Colobus guereza adults in La Vallee Des Singes, Poitou - Charentes France. More info: Status, least concern

Common Langur Monkey (Semnopithecus entellus) wild adult female with juvenile. Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, India

Northern White-cheeked Gibbons, (Nomascus leucogenys, Hylobates concolor leucogenys), pair, captive, Asian species, Czech Republic, Europe

Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), silver back and female, Virunga National Park, Congo, Africa

Northern White-cheeked Gibbons, (Nomascus leucogenys, Hylobates concolor leucogenys), pair, captive, Asian species, Czech Republic, Europe

Northern White-cheeked Gibbons, (Nomascus leucogenys, Hylobates concolor leucogenys), pair, captive, Asian species, Czech Republic, Europe

Proboscis monkey or long-nosed monkey (Nasalis larvatus), female and young in a tree, Reserve of Labuk Bay, Sabah, Malaysia, North Borneo, Southeast Asia

Silvery lutung or Silvered leaf Monkey or Silvery Langur (Trachypithecus cristatus), baby ( orange in color) with the mother, Reserve of Labuk Bay, Sabah, Malaysia, North Borneo, Southeast Asia

Silvery lutung or Silvered leaf Monkey or Silvery Langur (Trachypithecus cristatus), baby ( orange in color) with the mother, Reserve of Labuk Bay, Sabah, Malaysia, North Borneo, Southeast Asia