Results 4 results found Grangemouth petro-chemical plant illuminated at dusk, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe A petro-chemical plant A petro-chemical plant at Runcorn, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe Grangemouth petro-chemical plant illuminated at dusk, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe A petro-chemical plant in South Wales silhouetted against the sunset, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe Memorial for Petro Paulo Rubens, Groenplaats square, Antwerp, Belgium, Europe Ukraine Kiev district Podil Kontraktova Place oldest place of town statue of horsman Het´man Petro K.Sahajdacnyj 1570-1622 blue sky 2004 Panevezio Sv apastalu Petro ir Povilo baznycia, Church of apostles St Peter and St Paul, Panevezys, Lithuania, Northern Europe Siauliu Sv apastalu Petro ir Pauliaus katedra, Cathedral of Apostles Peter and Paul, Siauliai, Lithuania, Northern Europe