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Walls of the ball court (Juego de Pelota) with stone hoop, Mayan ruins, Chichen Itza, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Yucatan, Mexico, North America

Platform of Venus, Mayan ruins, Chichen Itza, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Yucatan, Mexico, North America

Stone Aztec statues on temple steps, archaeological site and museum of Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mexico City, Mexico, North America

Wall of stone skulls called Tzompantli, archaeological site and museum of Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mexico City, Mexico, North America

Templo Mayor, archaeological Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, view to the cathedral church, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mexico City, Mexico, North America

Templo Mayor, archaeological Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, view to the Cathedral church, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mexico City, Mexico, North America

Monument, Chinchorro Mummies, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Camarones Valley, northern Atacama desert, Chile, South America

El Castillo, Pyramid of Kukulkan, Chichen Itza Archaeological Site, Chichen Itza, Yucatan State, Mexico

El Castillo, Pyramid of Kukulkan, Chichen Itza Archaeological Site, Chichen Itza, Yucatan State, Mexico

Piramide del Adivino, Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal Archaeological Site, Uxmal, Yucatan State, Mexico

Group of the Thousand Columns, Chichen Itza Archaeological Site, Chichen Itza, Yucatan State, Mexico

Piramide del Adivino, Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal Archaeological Site, Uxmal, Yucatan State, Mexico

Cross and angels with a view towards the city from the church of Iglesia Nuestra Senora de los Remedios, built on the pre-Hispanic Pyramid of Cholula, San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, Latin America, North America

Roof of the Convento de San Gabriel monastery at night in front of the church of Iglesia Nuestra Senora de los Remedios on the ruins of the pre-Hispanic Pyramid of Cholula, San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, Latin America, North America

Replica of the mural of The Pulque Drinkers, a traditional drink of the Aztecs, the museum of the pre-Hispanic Pyramid of Cholula, San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, Latin America, North America

Pyramids of Teotihuacán, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Teotihuacán, State of Mexico, Mexico, Central America, Commemorative plaque for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the pre-Hispanic city of Teotihuacán in Mexico, Puebla, Central America

Archway and towers of the church of Iglesia Nuestra Senora de los Remedios, built on the pre-Hispanic Pyramid of Cholula, San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, Latin America, North America

Mummy On Display At The Archaeological Museum R. P. Gustavo Le Paige, San Pedro De Atacama, Antofagasta Region, Chile

Skeleton In A Pot On Display At The Archaeological Museum R. P. Gustavo Le Paige, San Pedro De Atacama, Antofagasta Region, Chile

Pircas (stone fences) for llamas at the Pre-Columbian fortification of Pucar√° de Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina

Machu Picchu a stone in the quarry area shows how stone was cut with primitive tools using wood wedges that expand with water, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view past tropical vegetation across the Central Plaza to the Residential Sector and the surrounding mountains beyond, Highlands, Peru

Inca Machu Picchu skillfully carved, curved wall of the Sun Temple, is considered to be the finest stone construction in the site, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba hikers viewing the site from Inca trail, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba terraces, city walls and gate in foreground, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the ancient Incan city in the Vilcabamba Mountains hiker on trail to the top of Huayna Picchu Mountain, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the ancient Incan city with above the Rio Urubamba in the Vilcabamba Mountains llamas grazing within the site, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba hikers viewing site from end of Inca Trail, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba in the Vilcabamba Mountains, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba in the Vilcabamba Mountains, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba in the Vilcabamba Mountains, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the Sacristy, a small room off the Principal Temple in the Sacred Area, is reknown for a large stone cut with 32 corners, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the Intihuatana, the site's most sacred shrine, likely served for making astronomical observations and calculations, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the Temple of the Sun with the site's most perfect stonework visitors view grotto called the Royal Tomb below the temple, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu a visitor examines the finely cut stones that form the entrance to the precinct of the Temple of the Sun, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the Temple of the Sun with the site's most perfect stonework encloses a rock below aligned window to indicate the solstice, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the Temple of the Sun with the site's most perfect stonework encloses a rock below aligned window to indicate the solstice, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu the Prison Group with a carved stone forming the head of a condor and natural stones forming the wings, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view from the Intihuatana to the temples around the Sacred Plaza with terraced fields beyond, Highlands, Peru

Machu Picchu view of the ancient city with Huayna Picchu Peak above the Rio Urubamba in the Vilcabamba Mountains, Highlands, Peru

A llama on the terraced fields at Machu Picchu, the Incan city above the Urubamba River Valley, Andes Mountains, Highlands, Peru

Cuzco off Calle Hatunrumiyoc is a section of fine Inca stonework with pieces fitted together to represent a Puma, the head is center/left, Cuzco, Highlands, Peru

Mochica Culture La Huaca del Luna (Temple of the Moon) a pyramid built between 100-700AD with mural of Ai-Apaec the 'Winged Decapitator' god, Peru

Coricancha or Sun Temple, as most sacred of Inca temples it was covered in gold and is now the foundation of Santo Domingo Church, Cuzco, Peru

Coricancha or Inca Sun Temple within the walls of Santo Domingo Church reenactment of Inca ceremony with mamaconas (chosen women), Cuzco, Peru

Coricancha or Inca Sun Temple within the walls of Santo Domingo Churchreenactment of Inca ceremony with mamaconas (chosen women), Cuzco, Peru

Coricancha or Inca Sun Temple within the walls of Santo Domingo Churchreenactment of Inca ceremony with mamaconas (chosen women), Cuzco, Peru

Coricancha or Inca Sun Temple within the walls of Santo Domingo Church reenactment of an Inca ceremony with the Inca and attendants, Cuzco, Peru

Coricancha or Inca Sun Temple within the walls of Santo Domingo Church reenactment of an Inca ceremony with the Inca and attendants, Cuzco, Peru

Mochica Culture La Huaca del Sol (Temple of the Sun) built in 100-700AD world's largest adobe structure (1/3 of original size) pyramid and landscape, Peru

Mochica Culture La Huaca del Sol (Temple of the Sun) built in 100-700AD world's largest adobe structure (1/3 of original size) view of top and valley, Peru

Mochica Culture La Huaca del Sol (Temple of the Sun) built in 100-700AD world's largest adobe structure (1/3 of original size) view of top and valley, Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital and world's largest adobe city on 20 sqkm near Trujillo relief in Huaca del Dragon (Rainbow Temple), Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital and world's largest adobe city on 20 sqkm near Trujillo relief in Huaca del Dragon (Rainbow Temple), Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital and world's largest adobe city on 20 sqkm near Trujillo relief in Huaca del Dragon (Rainbow Temple), Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital of empire and world's largest adobe city covering 20 sqkm near Trujillo students in Palacio Tschuldi, Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital of empire and world's largest adobe city covering 20 sqkm near Trujillo the walls of Palacio Tschuldi, Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital of empire and world's largest adobe city covering 20 sqkm near Trujillo Palacio Tschuldi fish frieze, Peru

Chimu Culture Chan Chan, 1300-1468AD, capital of empire and world's largest adobe city covering 20 sqkm near Trujillo walls of the Palacio Tschuldi, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast Lord of Sipan Tomb, c300AD model of Lord's attendant in ornaments of gold and turquoise, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast necklace from Old Lord of Sipan Tomb, 200AD, with gold spiders (front and back details), Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast funeral mask from the Old Lord of Sipan Tomb, 200AD, with gilded pectoral of Octopus arms, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast 'feline-man' fr Old Lord of Sipan Tomb, 200AD, gilded divinity reigns over sea, land & sky, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast 'crab man' from Old Lord of Sipan Tomb, 200AD, gilded copper figure of divinity of the sea, Peru

Chancay Culture, 13C AD textile showing a catalogue of weaving styles and designs in the collection of the Museo Amano, Lima, Peru

Paracas Culture, 300BC-100AD, funerary wrap with jaguar and monkey design on collar of mantle collection of the Museo Amano, Lima, Peru

Lambayeque Culture, c 100-800AD skirt with human and animal forms N Coast near Trujillo Museo Rafael Herrera, Lima, Peru

Gold Artifacts Mochica Culture, 200-800AD, Classic Period gold breastplate (pectoral) in human and animal form Rafael Herrera Museum, Lima, Peru

Gold Artifacts Chimu Culture, 1000-1400AD NCoast gold breastplate (pectoral) and two epaulets in the Rafael Herrera Museum, Lima, Peru

Mochica Culture, 200-800AD, Classic Period supreme feline deity mask in copper and bone Museo Rafael Herrera collection, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Nazca Culture, 100-700AD mummy with gold ornaments and wrapped in feather blanket in collection of the Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Chimu Culture, 1000-1400AD drinking vessel of gold and turquoise, depicts idol with staff and headdress Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Chimu Culture, 1000-1400AD mask with feline features in gold, turquoise and cinnabar paint collection of Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Chimu Culture, 1000-1400AD TUMI ceremonial knife depicting legendary chief Naym Lap, gold and turquoise in Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Chimu Culture, 1000-1400AD TUMI ceremonial knife depicting legendary chief Naym Lap, gold and turquoise in Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Mochica (Moche)Culture, 100-700AD a cocoa bag in form of a golden puma or jaguar in collection of the Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Precolumbian Gold Chimu Culture, 1000-1400AD ear ornaments of gold, lapiz and turquoise shows warrior with victim's head Museo del Oro, Lima, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast nose-ring from Old Lord of Sipan Tomb, 200AD, masterpiece in miniature of warrior-chief, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast artifact from the Lord of Sipan Tomb, c300AD, gilded copper feline head with shell teeth, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast scepter-knife from Lord of Sipan Tomb, 300AD, main power emblem w design of warrior chief, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast artifact from the Lord of Sipan Tomb, c300AD radiant pectoral of colored seashell-beads, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast necklace from Lord of Sipan Tomb,300AD, with peanuts in symbolic duality of gold & silver, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast gold rattle from Lord of Sipan Tomb, 300AD, represents 'Decapitator' Moche supreme deity, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast ear ornament from Lord of Sipan Tomb, 300AD, gold & turquoise 3-dimensional image of Lord, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast ear ornament from Lord of Sipan Tomb, 300AD, gold & turquoise 3-dimensional image of Lord, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast Lord of Sipan Tomb, c300AD reconstruction of Lord in ornaments denoting power and rank, Peru

Gold Artifacts Moche (Mochica) Culture, 100 to 700AD, NCoast Lord of Sipan Tomb, c300AD reconstruction of Lord in ornaments denoting power and rank, Peru